Worst cop ever does worst thing ever for several minutes while being videoed by like 12 people

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Tron, you mean there is more than one/two bad protesters! 🤦
I’ve got people telling me that the rioting and looting is a white supremacist thing. I have others telling me it’s an angry black thing.

I’m telling them it’s a greed thing. The people making this about race are just as much a menace to society as that cop who killed George Floyd IMO.
That's the best reporting I've seen all week. Imbedded on the front lines yo
This may be a bit harsh, but I feel it's pretty close to accurate, at least in the city/minority areas. I know I hear this WRONG notion, that cops are special and primarily should protect themselves first, all the time. The culture needs to change. Can't we go back to Mayberry?

Depending on mrmonkeys perverted response to that video- I will decide if he’s a racist or not.