What Casperwaits sucks at

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Oh, NVM then.

Thought Blitty lived in VEGAS.
potato missed all the blitty nyc threads
- Age range of team?
- Men or Coed?
- Beginner / Average / Serious (we can hit it over the fence) league?
- Night of the games?
- How does Potato sign up?


Guys between the ages of 21-40
Average, but we play in parks that are replicas of famous stadiums, so yes you can hit it over the walls
We play daytime on Tuesdays. It is a restaurant/club/bar league
I will text you my number if you are serious
Potato, be prepared for casper to follow you around like a shadow if you play any video poker/slots/table games. He will beg to stick his players cards in your machines so that you can get him points from your play. That was our experience anyways. He is a pro gambler though.
Tuesday afternoon will work for Potato till June. Then flight school starts and he will likely have conflicting classes.

Potato is an average (at best) softball player who plays CENTER / RIGHT FIELD. Bat Potato last and expect nothing spectacular.
Potato, be prepared for casper to follow you around like a shadow if you play any video poker/slots/table games. He will beg to stick his players cards in your machines so that you can get him points from your play. That was our experience anyways. He is a pro gambler though.

:lmao: :cono:
Potato, be prepared for casper to follow you around like a shadow if you play any video poker/slots/table games. He will beg to stick his players cards in your machines so that you can get him points from your play. That was our experience anyways. He is a pro gambler though.

Potato, be prepared for casper to follow you around like a shadow if you play any video poker/slots/table games. He will beg to stick his players cards in your machines so that you can get him points from your play. That was our experience anyways. He is a pro gambler though.

Razor you meet Potato and you win potm
I saw that card thing when I was watching undercover boss a few episodes ago

president of mgm grand working the casino
I'll make sure I tell him. Really don't think he cares. Pretty much realizes how much of a dick you are.

Nina is going to cut you and your little roommate too with a razor if you don't stop acting like a world class ass. She was never yours. She was never interested. At all. She liked flrting and the attention at first but that is the end all, be all of the story. That is life. now grow a pair, suck it up and get the hell over it already.
Nina is going to cut you and your little roommate too with a razor if you don't stop acting like a world class ass. She was never yours. She was never interested. At all. She liked flrting and the attention at first but that is the end all, be all of the story. That is life. now grow a pair, suck it up and get the hell over it already.

Nina, it is good that Blitty has you in his corner. My problem with Blitty has nothing to do with this Cali Girl thing. I have never talked or met her. Blitty acts like a dick to me. Casper can fight his own battles. As for your remarks. You need to understand before you add to the drama. Okay? Thanks.
Nina is going to cut you and your little roommate too with a razor if you don't stop acting like a world class ass. She was never yours. She was never interested. At all. She liked flrting and the attention at first but that is the end all, be all of the story. That is life. now grow a pair, suck it up and get the hell over it already.

As far as never being interested in Casper, that is where you are very wrong. I have seen the texts and I know how often she called him.
acting like a self effacing ass doesn't work with me. You are all fine and dandy until you have to take shots at Blitty. he has done nothing to you.
acting like a self effacing ass doesn't work with me. You are all fine and dandy until you have to take shots at Blitty. he has done nothing to you.

Nina, I guess you didn't read the pot shots he took at me. I think it's best you stick with conversations you are part of, okay?
As far as never being interested in Casper, that is where you are very wrong. I have seen the texts and I know how often she called him.

You're a very sweet, protective roommate.
Matty do you show your roomate all of the texts on your phone, and let roomate know whenever you get a call and who it was that called?
