Random thoughts

You think you know someone. And then they start cooking their garbage. unreal
There are 220 apartments in my building. If you step out and take the elevator around 6pm, especially on weekdays, you get a good whiff of the combined cooking smells emanating from your neighbours' kitchens. That cumulative odor invariably smells like beef.

Slightly spicy beef. It's what's for dinner, generally speaking. :dunno:
maybe fishead moved in.

Funny you say that. I was just walking back from the bacon store, cutting through the lot of the apartment building beside me, and I saw a guy opening all the recycle bin lids and taking a peek inside. I see him around the neighbourhood once in awhile and I thought, "From now on, I shall secretly call you Fishhead."

Then there's the guy who works at the local grocery store rounding up shopping carts. You can tell he is somewhat learning disabled - he is always muttering to himself and you can see he is not quite right - but it is a simple enough job and he always seems to be working hard so his job as Shopping Cart Guy is probably a win-win. Good for him, good for the store.

He is very talkative. Not in a particularly offensive way. Like he just says, "What's going on?" to everyone and he'll just mutter away to himself if there is no one to talk to. Sometimes I see people kind of wincing like they'd rather he just leave them alone but at least he's not swearing or making advances. He just mutters nervously. I don't think he can help himself.

I secretly call him JJ.
There are 220 apartments in my building. If you step out and take the elevator around 6pm, especially on weekdays, you get a good whiff of the combined cooking smells emanating from your neighbours' kitchens. That cumulative odor invariably smells like beef.

Slightly spicy beef. It's what's for dinner, generally speaking. :dunno:

That doesn't sound bad at all. I think I must be a very good neighbour as far as smells. A lot of barbecue. Frequent spicy chicken wings and pizzas and roasts. Good aromas.

I figure I'm pretty deluxe.
Funny you say that. I was just walking back from the bacon store, cutting through the lot of the apartment building beside me, and I saw a guy opening all the recycle bin lids and taking a peek inside. I see him around the neighbourhood once in awhile and I thought, "From now on, I shall secretly call you Fishhead."

Then there's the guy who works at the local grocery store rounding up shopping carts. You can tell he is somewhat learning disabled - he is always muttering to himself and you can see he is not quite right - but it is a simple enough job and he always seems to be working hard so his job as Shopping Cart Guy is probably a win-win. Good for him, good for the store.

He is very talkative. Not in a particularly offensive way. Like he just says, "What's going on?" to everyone and he'll just mutter away to himself if there is no one to talk to. Sometimes I see people kind of wincing like they'd rather he just leave them alone but at least he's not swearing or making advances. He just mutters nervously. I don't think he can help himself.

I secretly call him JJ.

You guys don't have bacon stores?!?

Muddy, wtf is a bacon store?
Oh bacon store. LOL! Did I say that out loud?

There is a brand new Shoppers Drug Mart that just opened in my neighbourhood and there is a guy in my addictions recovery group that got a job there. He was telling me all about it in the days leading up to the grand opening and he kept stressing what good deals they were going to have on bacon. I thought it sounded odd and wondered if I was hearing him right or maybe he was off his meds, but I decided to just let it go.

I mentioned it to Jenny and she was also puzzled but we started having some fun with the concept and making jokes about the opening of the drug store being delayed due to problems at the slaughterhouse etc. etc..

Anyway it turns out this new Shoppers Drug Mart has a lot more stuff then the old one down the street and when Jenny opened up their new flyer, lo and behold the big item on the front page was a great deal on bacon.

Long story short, we call it the bacon store now and make all kinds of jokes about it and a splendid time is had by all.
Watch out for that Muddy. He's a real ham. A regular cut-up.

Muddy CALM DOWN!!!
Starting to understand why Muddy owns a phone with really big buttons.
mmmmmmmm, bacon

Here's the thing though, changing the topic, I was just having the most random of thoughts.

My first job after crapping out of university was in a pharmaceutical warehouse and the boss was this guy with a very thick Irish accent. He was showing me the ropes in shipping/receiving.

I remember one time we couldn't find some inventory so he said we needed the "evasive shipment" and he said I should find it and bring it to him.

So I walked out of his office scratching my head. Like if I could find the shipment, then there wouldn't be a problem. It's like when you lose something and someone asks where you left it. If I knew that, it wouldn't be lost.

But an evasive shipment? What did that mean? The shipment was watching me and whenever I got close, it would go hide somewhere else? Why would a shipment do that? Why would a shipment be evasive?

And given that a shipment is being evasive, what action does the alert warehouseman take to reign it in?

I wandered around the warehouse puzzling over that one for quite some time. Finally there was no choice but to go back to Vic Downey and admit my cluelessness and ask him to clarify my mission.

Turns out it was all a misunderstanding relating to his accent. He was not saying "evasive shipment" he was saying "advice of shipment" which is a document like a waybill.

We laughed long and hard and would frequently recall it and laugh during the time we worked together.

Good times.
after 4 yrs in business I have my first unhappy customer.
he was pleased with job when I was done I told me he would recommend me to others.
2 days pass by and he calls me threatening to sue me cause I ripped him off. WTF???
Asshole signed a contract, payed me in full and now wants a refund and a free job or he's gonna sue me.

my random thought:
buyers remorse will turn even the most happy customer into a total asshole threatening to tarnish your reputation.
contract signed, paid in full, job inspected and passed customers expectations, money in hand , means I'm not financing your job you fuking parasite
I remember one time we couldn't find some inventory so he said we needed the "evasive shipment" and he said I should find it and bring it to him.

I would have assumed it was a new drug named "Evasive (TM)."

Do you have the same crazy prescription drug names in Canada that we have down here? I swear to God they're now pushing a new drug now named Ass-Effects. They spell it ACIPHEX, but pronounce it Ass-Effects. And some of the symptoms it treats include constipation and diarrhea. Ass-Effects. I see like 5 commercials a day for it.

Ass-Effects and iPads. Who's running these companies?
