Movies and TV

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Good say Machu.

Dumber and Dumberer to gets the first ever rating of please don't do this to yourself.

They tried so hard, you could tell.

Miserable fail.
Can't believe I never saw the second Star Trek movie. By that I mean the second one since the reboot. The most recent one. Star Trek: Into Darkness (???)

This is the problem with not having video stores. Stuff slides by that never would have slid by if I had that New Releases section to stand in front of on a regular basis.

Speaking of which, I saw a big huge video store close to where I drop my brother off in Hamilton. It was open at like 9 o'clock Christmas night.

I wouldn't know where to find a video store in these parts. It's been a few years anyway.

Anyway, gonna check out that Star Trek. :muddy:
Video stores were something to do at some points in life.

I miss those fossils.
Speaking of which, I saw a big huge video store close to where I drop my brother off in Hamilton. It was open at like 9 o'clock Christmas night.

Mohammed dont give a fuck
Mohammed is so completely good-natured ---> he wants everyone to be happy.

Well he isn't crazy about useless lummox-guy at work - I'm pretty sure Mohammed and I will be exchanging a high 5 if he ever gets let go - but everyone else.
The new Star Treks were both good IMO

Not a huge fan of action movies but they were both entertaining
Possibly JJ Abrams' least terrible offerings.
Possibly JJ Abrams' least terrible offerings.

He will knock it out of the park with the new Star Wars.

Grand slam.
Whoever provides a good Birdman torrent gets a special, special prize.

I'm talking life changing shit.
Yeah I have looked for that but seems like all I get is links to something by Little Wayne.

Lil Wayne???

Birdman was a big rapper or something. It's fucking our shit up, is what it's doing.
Lil' Wayne Gretzky?

Micheal Keaton's a rapper now?

I found the HBO Mini-series Olive Kitteridge (2014) pretty good. I actually watched the whole damn thing in one 4 hour sitting. Not saying anyone else will find it that irresistible and electrifying, but I guess it caught me in the right mood. It's a very literary sort of feel, adapted from a novel I would strongly suspect.

. . . yes in fact it is based on a Pulitzer Prize winning collection of short stories by someone named Elizabeth Strout.

I noticed it had a few Golden Globe nominations. Solid 7 out of 10 for me.

is it about old people and dogs?
New Year's morning. Everybody still asleep. So what am I watching? "The Love Boat" on TVGN. That's the danger of combing boredom and oldness together.
I just watched a YouTube thing about actors from the 80's and how you won't recognize them today. Here's what I learned:

Sometimes people look different when they're 62 than they did when they were 29.
