Hooligans Sportsbook

Do you use a urinal or a stall?

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I was drank one night and ended up in the women's bathroom at a hotel. I sat on the stool and after 5 minutes I kept hearing women voices and panicked. I sat there for 2 hours until I got a break when there was no woman in the bathroom and got out. It was one of the most embarrassing days of my life.
I was drank one night and ended up in the women's bathroom at a hotel. I sat on the stool and after 5 minutes I kept hearing women voices and panicked. I sat there for 2 hours until I got a break when there was no woman in bathroom and got out. It was one of the most embarrassing days of my life.

awwww....that would be so embarrassing.
But two hours? damn. Least you got out of there undetected.
I was at a urinal in a Western Pa bar and some big biker dude walked up to the urinal next to me and he says "hey pal nice clitoris but this is the men's room" then he pushed me into my own stream and knocked me over and peed all over me. He told me to thank him so I did.
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I use any and all things. I don't get why people get so worked up when I go to pee outside my own home. I just don't see the point of flushing all that water for a piss. Not to mention I enjoy the breeze.

If I'm at work I'll normally stall it and play some games on my phone.
I use a urinal for peeing if I am at a public washroom. I was somewhere not too long ago where they had an old-fashioned trough. I'm trying to remember where exactly that was but it is not coming to me. Anyway, no particular discomfort issues.

Here's something I have observed where I work. Over half the time I walk up to a urinal at work, the person before me has not flushed it.

People suck.