Do Americans really believe they live in the freest country on earth?

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Not at all free. Freedom is an illusion.
I'm glad most of us agree.

I believe Canadians have slightly more freedom than our American cousins, for now.

Also believe that Canada is becoming more like America, would like to see Canada embrace more of a European or Scandanavian attitude with regard to how it treats its citizens and reject the hyped American model.
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I didn't read the thread. Did you lose this fight, Plommer?
I didn't read the thread. Did you lose this fight, Plommer?
What fight Rubi?

I admitted that Blitty got good looks and not brains.

Read the thread, the movie version is still years away.

Rubyn, I'm going to bed in the next hour or so, I'll be up for the 7pm games though, we can continue then.
Betplom lost by a big margin, only because he is a terrorist against the United States of America....not the best title to have. Guatmo is not shut down like Obama promised dude...I would think long and hard before spreading more...its not a fun place.

Robyn you are amazingly hot, you could be an 8 in San Diego. Mad props homegirl. Not sure why you were married to a retard but to each their own.
I should sell everything on Craigslist and move to one of these free countries.
I am in agreement with Plommer here. Although America is supposedly a free country, there are a lot of things that don't make sense. #1 is the fact that you can do serious jail time for the possession of small amounts of marijuana. For some stupid fucking reason our Prime Minister is starting to do the same thing here in Canada because of pressure from your idiotic gov't.

#2 Online gambling: Last time I checked, your money was YOUR money and your credit card was YOUR credit card. Freedom would mean that you could actually deposit $$ on any website you wished for whatever purpose you wanted(as long as you are not supporting terrorists)... The simple fact that the US govt gets in the way of this is ridiculous. Gambling in Canada is 100% legal and your winnings are never taxed...You think that rich people dont move their $$ out of the US?

The US is a great county, it's just that most of their citizens believe only what they see on TV and just spew rhetoric out of their mouths almost every time they are challenged..

Don't get them angry Plommer... 4 years from now when the Republicans get back into power, the populus will go back to sleep for another 8 years; ignoring global warming and discussing legitimate rape and opening the abortion debate. Freedom Fries anyone?
The dems will be in power 4 years from now. You think the lemmings will vote to take away their gov handouts?
The dems will be in power 4 years from now. You think the lemmings will vote to take away their gov handouts?

It just seems to me like every 8 years that the govt just switches...I guess the 2 term democrat president is not a common phenomenon. Only 3 of them have won re-election in the history of the US
I think that most people outside the US sort of identfity the Republicans as the 'big brother' party... I dont know why this is but it seems that conspiracy theories are out there a lot more when they are in power. I think the Republicans have some serious re-branding to do in the next 4 years....

If they have to take on that mexican immigrant mayor of New Mexico or Hillary Clinton, they will be in tough, for sure.
The classic definition of freedom has nothing to do with the liberty to do shit like smoke weed or marry twelve women at once. The founding fathers were thinking of free access to resources/means of production/money. In that sense, North America remains relatively free compared to highly elitist countries like England and such.

The US nakes you forfeit all hereditary titles when you apply for citizenship.

America tolerates self-made fortunes like that of Zuckerberg, for example.

That kinda thing is what makes the US a relatively "free" country.

But these days the game is largely rigged by bankers and the income gap will only grow wider until shit hits the fan and the people are pissed enough. Occupy Wall Street and the austerity strikes in Europe are a first warning sign to the upper classes.

Reno let's meet at the US/Can border when the revolution comes. I'll bring the popcorn.
This poor fella ended up shooting himself because the gov't was gonna put him in jail for the rest of his life for moon shining...It's shit like this that makes me wish that governments would mind their own business a bit more...

Plommer hates authority.
Plommer likes his leisure time.
Plommer is jealous of America.

America is as free as the perception of freedom is to each individual.

If you want to stay at home, pump out kid after kid and live of the government, you can do that.
If you want to work hard, educate yourself and have a better life, you can do that.

If you want to wave your flag and feel America is the greatest nation in the world, you can do that.
If you want to protest and hate on and about specific aspects of American life, you can do that.

We can't gamble or play poker online.
We can't fly to Cuba.
I guess we are truly oppressed after all.
Wal you really are a bumbling idiot.
Plommer hates authority.
Plommer likes his leisure time.
Plommer is jealous of America.

America is as free as the perception of freedom is to each individual.

If you want to stay at home, pump out kid after kid and live of the government, you can do that.
If you want to work hard, educate yourself and have a better life, you can do that.

If you want to wave your flag and feel America is the greatest nation in the world, you can do that.
If you want to protest and hate on and about specific aspects of American life, you can do that.

We can't gamble or play poker online.
We can't fly to Cuba.
I guess we are truly oppressed after all.

:bowpanda: :wallylove:
Wal you really are a bumbling idiot.

Counter any point with the obvious exception of Plommer is jealous of America.
I think that most people outside the US sort of identfity the Republicans as the 'big brother' party... I dont know why this is but it seems that conspiracy theories are out there a lot more when they are in power. I think the Republicans have some serious re-branding to do in the next 4 years....

If they have to take on that mexican immigrant mayor of New Mexico or Hillary Clinton, they will be in tough, for sure.

They do need major rebranding. They will have to cater to the Latinos that came over illegally and will be citizens under Obama and to women. The others they don't want. Bush Jr was a liberal spender also.
Maybe the US can sell the Stanley Cup to pay towards the deficit.