Canada is Larger than China

Canada doesn't really have an army either.
There has never been an explorer from Africa.
Canada doesn't really have an army either.

We do however have a navy

durito once lived 6 months in Lake Titicaca between Bolivia and Peru.
The Bolivian navy operates on lake titicaca. One day they will take back their access to the sea from Chile and they can have a real navy again.

The Democratic Republic of Congo is almost a million square miles in area but only has a 25 mile stretch to the Atlantic ocean.
interesting facts in here
keep 'em coming :greencheck:
Equatorial Guinea is the only Spanish-speaking country in Africa.
On July 9th 2011 a new country will be born, the Republic of South Sudan, in Africa.
plomstein is holding out on GL
The Rock of Gibraltar is not a rock at all.

It is an island. And it demands your respect.
give us some fun canadian hooker facts Plomjob
There are 3 countries in Africa with "Guinea" in their name. Guinea, Guinea-Bissau and Equatorial Guinea.
give us some fun canadian hooker facts Plomjob
Archie, you're getting married soon, you don't need my information.

Anyway, I think I've told you guys all I know about hookers in the countless previous posts on the subject.

I like the human interest stories that come out of your hooker meanderings Plommer.
Plommer, that was just a facetious post by archie. When you give him a serious answer he wins.
