CaliGirl's Escapades

gl cgnj
You forgot a black mark homeslice
good luck on your interview mudcat

This one is my favorite. He likes going down on the shore. He has a lot of tools. And most importantly, he doesn't like to waste his life watching sports on tv.....unless YOU like to do that sort of thing. Which means he would then have a pass to be himself.
He likes going down on the shore. He has a lot of tools.

That honestly sounds like a couple double entendres to me.

Rubes, did you read the post I made to Bread about 5 messages back. I feel kind of dumb. I mean, DG is fawwking hawwt, but I shouldn't have done that.

This one is my favorite. He likes going down on the shore. He has a lot of tools. And most importantly, he doesn't like to waste his life watching sports on tv.....unless YOU like to do that sort of thing. Which means he would then have a pass to be himself.

I see what you did there.

there is a subtle difference
Oh wait... do you think Rubyn did that on purpose??

But...I... DOH!

That tricky woman. She STIFFFED me!
Jello, you are still here!

Yes, I did see that you sent something to dancegirl. Stay away from her, I hear she has crabs. The kind that carry AIDS.
Send her flowers Jello
Is she still with Amby? If not then I don't care about any of this anymore.
She's pretty sexy, yes. Awesome personality to match the looks as well :highfive:

Is she still with Amby? If not then I don't care about any of this anymore.

If you are fb friends with them, then you might be able to find the answer to that by looking at their profiles...
If you are fb friends with them, then you might be able to find the answer to that by looking at their profiles...

Yeah, Bread after seeing that photo again...I don't feel bad at all. I think even Amby would understand, if they are still together. It was just a little rude of me... but who are we kidding. It's me.
I wish Amby would come party with us sometime again. Big lush like me.
I'm kinda lushy too...

Wow, we're really hijacking this poor girl's thread. I think I'll move to a different one. Lots of fun ones on the board right now.
Jello why won't you be all lushy with us anymore?