nonsense and crap

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Tully, you all caught up now?

Oksana, if there was any doubt before there is none now, you certainly are not unrelevant.

Jesus christ, I go to bed, and this cliff note thread becomes 4 pages.

My clone will get me caught up later.
It's just odd is all I was saying Shari. Looking at the thread and the posters involved it looks orchestrated. Maybe I am going Pavy here but something just doesn't feel right about the way this went down. And Wally had been saying for awhile that he wanted Cali to go away so he kinda had it coming. I don't fault you for expressing your dislike for Cali but I enjoyed having her around. Gives new meaning to the term SBR PRO though.

Yes I could see how one might even go full-conspiracy theory here. and thank that SBRJOHN orchestrated this all

I mean all the sudden the site he hates the most has a poster that is...

more attention whoring than sammy and jjgold combined
smarter than the general
more energetic than Lou
has better teeth than Bobby
can pick more winners than Brock
has prob stripped for more guys, than Paco has seen strippers
has had more gay relations than Roguescholar
has cooler tats than Iwinyourmoney
makes a more compelling video than justin7

he would have had to pull out the heavy artillery and send shari in there

next step woulda been to have loshak fly to jersey, have a rebate wager competition to judge her ass. than fuck her

no, that's not what happened here
what really happened is that...

she was just acting... it was all an ACT

She is a good actress

she texted me later and told me

she was facebooking with Teela, and Teela told her to do this,....

it was a last ditch effort to get Casper to re-friend her on facebook.

see its Teela behind this all.

she is the puppet-mattress of the whole fucking offshore gambling forum world.

I think she might have been the one to convince shrink to off himself too
Good summary Arch. Well done.

But if anyone is to blame for attention whoring it's those who offered the attention.

Gamelive itself and a bunch of people from SBR who just browse this site and never register.
Good summary Arch. Well done.

But if anyone is to blame for attention whoring it's those who offered the attention.

Gamelive itself and a bunch of people from SBR who just browse this site and never register.

:rotfl: Archie

I almost wish Cougar's theory were true. I could've properly used everything I've learned from almost a year on GL. Bread-esque PhotoShops, quoted posts at the ready to back up my point and a liberal use of gifs, appropriate songs from YouTube and newly created emoticons.

But sadly there was no orchestration here. And actually, after looking at Deuce and SoV's posts for the past few days, it seems they've been getting into it with Cali in threads I had no part of so it's not like this was out of the blue. I think I just opened the door for some late night excitement when the board was otherwise dead.
Dance for me, puppets!
what really happened is that...

she was just acting... it was all an ACT

She is a good actress

she texted me later and told me

she was facebooking with Teela, and Teela told her to do this,....

it was a last ditch effort to get Casper to re-friend her on facebook.

see its Teela behind this all.

she is the puppet-mattress of the whole fucking offshore gambling forum world.

I think she might have been the one to convince shrink to off himself too

I was in a hurry and said Puppet-mattress instead of mistress. I guess I combined master and mistress

or maybe it was a freudian slip?

Teela, do you let alot of Puppet's fuck you?
Unreal. Don't know why everyone needed to go all WWIII on Caligirl. RIP Cali.
Teela...Puppet Mattress would be an amazing title...
Unreal. Don't know why everyone needed to go all WWIII on Caligirl. RIP Cali.

Herman, did you actually read this thread? If I posted what I initially did to anyone else, how would they have reacted? Would they have posted once and then come at me with the "smug" comment? Or would they have laughed when they realised they were the butt of the joke for the past few days and carried on their way?

I mean damn, I even said "Have a good night" and she continued on both in here and other threads. She didn't want to end it and actually became absolutely juvenile, or more so than usual, anyway. The "is this a pic of Oksana?" comment: a bloody grade schooler could have come up with something better than that.

Sorry if you feel differently but she brought it on herself. It's not my concern that she had me mistaken for someone who felt she needed to be treated differently than anyone else on here.
Interesting that many of the posters who piled on Cali in this thread post regularly at SBR.

I was just going to post this.

Sucks that Duece and InTheHole had to fan the flames of this fire. Two guys that are not even remotely regular posters at Gamelive (throw SoV in there as well).

You have to have pretty thick skin to post here, Cali (you probably do in real life but it seems these guys/gals got to you here unfortunately).

Come back. And bring Fiveteamer with you.
Oksana, I understand your beef with her. Just don't know why all the SBR guys had to come over and pile on her....just seems weird.
Yeah I should clarify my post too, Oksana. I'm not judging your beef with CaliGrl. Shit, I get into beefs here all the time. I just think it's tremendo ghey that 3 guys that never post here were fanning the flames which ultimately led to her leaving Gamelive.
Oksana, I understand your beef with her. Just don't know why all the SBR guys had to come over and pile on her....just seems weird.

Like I said, if you look at their posts for the past few days they, and Cali, have been going at each other on here. Maybe it was the time of night and this was the only thread with any activity? :dunno:

Durito came in with his typically witty "bets lol" comment while others went about it a different way. I must admit I did find parts of this thread extremely hilarious, including the comments to and about me from both Cali and the others. I guess the difference is that I just try to roll with it and not take anything to heart. Between here and SBR I've been absolutely slaughtered countless times but I chose to be a member at both places and I chose to adapt accordingly. This shit isn't easy, and maybe it's even a bit harder as a female. Not sure. But the trade off is worth it to me.
I started this thread because I had been away the past few days and seemed a lot had transpired.

The bottom line is that if you cant take a good deal of shit, this site will eat you alive.
Yeah I should clarify my post too, Oksana. I'm not judging your beef with CaliGrl. Shit, I get into beefs here all the time. I just think it's tremendo ghey that 3 guys that never post here were fanning the flames which ultimately led to her leaving Gamelive.

Thanks Daft. Looking back on this, maybe I should've just ignored it and let male posters continue to mock her while she continued to embarrass herself each time she let it be known she didn't have a clue what was going on.

The other day she was going on about how she could take me down any time or whatever so I really didn't think that my quoting her post was going to lead to such a shitstorm. If she had continued to only direct posts at the other people in the thread after our initial little spat, I would've left it alone. But she didn't. Once she started bumping other threads and making childish remarks, I realised she wanted to continue and so I did. So it is what it is. If she's gone, she's gone but I have strong doubts that someone who seems to thrive on attention will actually leave for good. And if she comes back, I'll just stick her on ignore and be done with it.