So I have this music project I've been working on

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Hi everyone. Muddy, send it to facebook when you are ready.

BTW, I feel like I might have trivialized what was going on a couple years ago with how I expressed myself earlier in the thread.

I regret the tone I chose. Sorry about that.
Robyn, call me.

BTW, I feel like I might have trivialized what was going on a couple years ago with how I expressed myself earlier in the thread.

I regret the tone I chose. Sorry about that.

If you are talking to me, it's no big deal. People go through things and then they get over it. :guitar:
Meanwhile a form of paralysis sets in for me as the prospect of setting these songs free into the world shifts from abstract theoretical notion to reality.
I'm just glad you are back to working on it. You were also working on it some when I first joined. I think it makes for a kinder gentler Mudcat.
:clueless: I'm not trying to be argumentative but I think you're seeing connections that aren't there. I never stopped working on it during that timeframe.
Whoa. Calm down, Muddy.
Okay well I'm a little rattled right now and I am just going to move along.

Thank you to volunteer guinea pigs very much. I feel well supported as I prepare to work methodically through this phase. Hopefully you do not end up regretting putting up your hand.
Muddy, be easy, man
:clueless: I'm not trying to be argumentative but I think you're seeing connections that aren't there. I never stopped working on it during that timeframe.

Well you had stopped talking about it. Maybe talking about it makes you happy. Or maybe it's House's positive influence...
Not sure if I like the whole SP crew plotting against muddy.

Everyone needs to calm down. Who is Tron?
Who is Tron?

Some guy who finally realized that using just the first half of Daft Punk's name wasn't the best idea ever.

Hi guys...

Hi! Nice to see you stop in and say hello! As much as AMBy returning last week was a very pleasant surprise, your appearance surpasses even his! He'll understand! No homo!
Oh! Tron = Daffy! Hi

MrMonkey, Bread is to thank/blame/whatever for my appearance. He wanted to let me know that Muddy was working on new music.
Aint I just swell?