Random thoughts

I've been using Boiron Sinusalia for Sinuses for my sinus infection, it was expensive but fok, I've had this for like five weeks and have tried everything known to man, this stuff seems to be working well. It's only been a day and a half though. The tree pollen count has been pretty high here, so that is reeking havoc on my sinuses, I think it's time to switch to Claritin D instead of this generic crap. I also like the Boiron because it's homeopathic, so it's a little more natural and I like that. Teela, look this stuff up, you might consider giving it a try. I mean, my nose is still runny and tickles from my allergies, but it has cleared my sinuses well, not congestion or pressure, or pain.

TMJ is flared up something awful today. I've spilt on myself like three times alreadyand had to change, It has also taken me two hours to drink one cup of coffee. :reallymad:
How long was Gamelive down for anyway? Just logged on!
Did it go down? I wasn't online till now.
Ya definitely down

We were trying to post a WINNER in the contest

But it went back up in time to post
Ok, added a bit more of resources, should be fine for awhile.
Is Gamelive on da cloud?
Who runs their own hardware these days? Even my employer doesn't and we have millions of monthly UV's.

Whose data center is that?
We got these trash douchebags that like to cross our lawn. Apparently they used to like to taunt Cami's old dog and get it all upset. I hated that dog but I hate people who are mean to animals even more.

Daddy ain't feelin that, Daddy's going Eastwood on them next time they step foot in our yard. Probably going to film it for you guys :hurrah:

I have no manners.
Nothing out of the ordinary. I just marvel at people's ability to keep idle chatter going. It's especially striking in career-driven Toronto.

The best piece of advice I got since I moved here is: people are just looking for something to say.

Probably obvious to most. My brain is just not wired that way.