Random thoughts

I'm getting my cholesterol rechecked this month. It was pretty high and I stopped taking the medication to lower it. I just had eggs and sausage for dinner, so I'm sure that will help.

Avoid the late night sausage snack.
Today my phone made a loud alarming sound I've yet to hear from it.

When I summoned enough courage to approach it I noticed a caution triangle in the left corner of the screen. Touching this triangle I'm informed that an Amber alert has been launched(?). And we're on the look out for a green honda accord in Pueblo :dunno:

Hey Amber, fuck off

ps: 10 minutes later tv alert: little girl has been found in her room. Dunno if the poor Honda accord was found
I am an officially certified single man now :mmike::endoftheworld:
X wife #1 is in the books:mmike:
Wow I wonder if my phone does something special for Amber Alerts. I'm pretty sure we have Amber Alerts (or an equivalent) in Canada.
I'm getting my cholesterol rechecked this month. It was pretty high and I stopped taking the medication to lower it. I just had eggs and sausage for dinner, so I'm sure that will help.

I take my meds and I am not particularly careful about my eating. Hot Italian sausages are in the short rotation for dinner. I must go through a liter of cream every 3 days. Pretty regular with the DQ Blizzards. Got eggy eggs in the fridge.

But I am told my cholesterol situation is mainly hereditary and, while eating well is not a bad idea, it can only influence about 20% of the problem. The bulk of the problem I am going to have no matter what. So they say.

Whenever I get tested I seem to be doing well enough so I guess the meds are pretty effective. Crestor (rosuvastatin) if anyone gives a shit.
Ever get the urge to strip down to what God gave you in your office at work? I work alone, I have no mirrors in my office, I could do this if I chose. Yet, I don't but why?

Could it be that there is some guilt about doing something you know isn't right even though it would harm no-one and no-one would be the wiser but in your mind it's wrong so you don't do it?

Could it be that I don't have the "dirty trait" that allows you to do something not exactly wrong but maybe a little crazy taboo?

Most of you that have jobs work with others and can't ask yourself this question. Maybe none of you have ever even thought of it. You're lucky.

For the record I was fully clothed while typing this random thought.
Great joke Wally. Impeccable sense of humor. Keep up the good work.

Why does a mosquito director need a closed office? Do you not need to run around the office with a fly swatter?

There are about 200 people sharing the same open environment at work. Since the last round of layoffs, I can't think of a single coworker I'd like to see walking around nekkid. They took away all the hot airheads. Bastards. :reallymad:
GF - I'm thinking of breaking the bank and getting my dad a personal trainer for Christmas.
Me - That's not a Christmas gift.
GF - He has the body of a man 15 years older than him. I'm concerned.
Me - If you ever get me a personal trainer for Christmas, you're taking the bus home.
GF - Naw I'll get him a Blu-Ray player too.
Me - Very sneaky.
I don't understand what has happened with Holland.

For most of my life there was a country called Holland.

Now at some point, I started to hear the term, "The Netherlands." Maybe that term was always somewhere in the background but it was not widely used. The country was called Holland.

I always preferred Holland - it sounds more like a country name to me - but usage of The Netherlands increased. It happened gradually, subtly - some might say insidiously. At some point it became an equal usage - and at some point, The Netherlands surpassed Holland.

I couldn't point to the exact dates for any of this but it happened. Flash forward to today. I am doing a sporcle and the answer to one of the questions is that country. I know that's the answer. Furthermore I know that if I type in Netherlands, it will register as a correct answer. But it is not impossible that both answers will be acceptable. Sporcle can be set up to accept any number of answers and it seems to me that in this case, both answers should be accepted.

Out of curiosity, I type in Holland to see what will happen.

Not accepted. I might as well have typed Kermit the Frog. It's just the wrong answer period.

Holland is gone.
Muddy, I'm pretty sure you did the Holland thing during the Olympics. Not that you don't have that right I mean it is your thread an all. Just saying it's less random if it's repeated.
Holland is just a region of Netherlands. It's like Texas or California. The country has always been called Netherlands since its inception.
Muddy, I'm pretty sure you did the Holland thing during the Olympics. Not that you don't have that right I mean it is your thread an all. Just saying it's less random if it's repeated.

No, you're getting something mixed up.

Holland is just a region of Netherlands. It's like Texas or California. The country has always been called Netherlands since its inception.

The whole country has been called Holland here for most of my life. The bulk of the changeover to Netherlands has happened just in the last 10 years, I would estimate. In my experience with trivia and general knowledge - which is extensive - Holland has always been an acceptable answer for that country. Today was the first time it just plain didn't work.
and we call the people Dutch

confusing all around
The whole country has been called Holland here for most of my life. The bulk of the changeover to Netherlands has happened just in the last 10 years, I would estimate. In my experience with trivia and general knowledge - which is extensive - Holland has always been an acceptable answer for that country. Today was the first time it just plain didn't work.


Look under N