Random thoughts

Like 28 Healthy Choices? Lol.

Got a 24 pack for 7 bucks. Seems like a solid investment.

Hesitant on that one because I do have pretty chronic anxiety and it says that it can crank that up.

Appreciate it though.
Mama K pretty fuckin banged up. Can hardly talk, telling me how she's crippled. She's in a wheelchair for now. Breaks my fucking heart. Papa K NOT happy with the doctors. Morbid shit.

Sucks. Fucking shit.
Mama K pretty fuckin banged up. Can hardly talk, telling me how she's crippled. She's in a wheelchair for now. Breaks my fucking heart. Papa K NOT happy with the doctors. Morbid shit.

Sucks. Fucking shit.

How about coffee. I decided I'll get back on the wagon, looking forward to it actually.

Went with a French press coffee maker and Amazon Fresh Columbian ground coffee. Want to go cheap but not TOO cheap. Want some quality too.

My coffee game is weak, but I do know I like Columbian.

Anybody got some good coffee suggestions?
I think the key with coffee is how you make it. I use an Aeropress which is a bit like a French press but single serve. It uses a paper filter instead of mesh, so you can use a finer grind and/or regular pre-ground coffee.

You'll want to grind your own beans if you want better taste/quality, but I'm guilty of buying pre-ground from time to time. I just buy whatever is on sale.
Hadn't heard of Aeropress, just only knew that French Press is so much better than a traditional coffee maker, will keep it in mind - looks cool. Agreed on buying what's on sale. The cheaper one was the 8 o'clock bean, but I'm thinking that's probably dogshit. Used to sell Gevalia in my prime employment days (not) and it is awesome coffee, but so expensive.
You have to grind your coffee beans and roast date is important - consume within a month. Single origin.


I didn't know Pseudo gave you energy.

In college i loved the real stuff, before it got banned
Hockey players used to abuse the stuff.

I use Sinus+Allergy Reactine during allergy season - it has an extended-release 120mg total of pseudo. If I take it in the morning I can feel the second 60mg kick in after lunch. It's just a mild pick-me-up but it totally works when you're a bit tired/underslept.
Yah it's amphetamine based and a stimulant. Arch I don't think its been banned in the US you just have to register the purchase and get it from behind the counter.
Yah it's amphetamine based and a stimulant. Arch I don't think its been banned in the US you just have to register the purchase and get it from behind the counter.

yeah I know pseudo is not banned

i'm just saying I never felt any stimulation from it in cold medicines back in the day

now it's chemical father, Ephedrine was an amazing stimulant that we lost due to some fat ass major league pitcher
Steven Scott Bechler (November 18, 1979 – February 17, 2003) was an American professional baseball pitcher, who played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Baltimore Orioles. ... A medical examiner found that Bechler's use of ephedra as a weight-loss supplement contributed to his death.

Wow, same first and middle name as me and birthday 12 days away. I am staying away from that stuff.
French Press/coffee came in, Sudafed Pseudo-ephedrine and Myblu vapes came in. Energy way up.

Now, to ween of the vapes (can't dip like Caspy, makes me ill - but I respect it).
Healthy Choice cajun chicken shrimp - very nice. Not one of the most filling ones, but nice flavor - got the job done.

7.8 steviestars