nonsense and crap

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no, it's ok. I'm slightly classier than you and don't need to. Thank you for the permission though.
I agree, CaliGirl is real classy!


don't you have a fiance somewhere you should be paying attention to? or some homework to do?
don't you have a fiance somewhere you should be paying attention to? or some homework to do?

She's hiking in Denver, and no homework this week.

You still staying classy or not?

I can't vouch for this but the word on the street is that when one topless robot fights another topless robot, a guardian angel gets her wings. ;)

Interesting that many of the posters who piled on Cali in this thread post regularly at SBR.
Interesting that many of the posters who piled on Cali in this thread post regularly at SBR.

Cougar I really don't think that has anything to do with it nor do I think anyone was piling on anyone more or less than Casper has been piled on relentlessly for the past couple of weeks.

When I dish it out, I expect it right back. I'm not sure why there should be different standards for anyone on here, female or not.
Tully, you all caught up now?

Oksana, if there was any doubt before there is none now, you certainly are not unrelevant.
Interesting that many of the posters who piled on Cali in this thread post regularly at SBR.

I don't know who posts where but there sure were a number of people either new to here or were previously pretty much inactive here who took great delight in the piling.
I can't speak for anyone else but I can speak for me. The same crap has been going on here for weeks to the point that multiple posters have directly and indirectly asked the two parties involved, to give it a rest as it's become nauseating. One person stopped while the other person continued to act like a brat and even went so far as to post a voicemail that obviously wasn't intended to be plastered on a forum. Why? Because she needed help deciphering it? Isn't that what real life friends are for? Or could it have been that she wanted to both direct more attention to herself while making Casper look like an even bigger arse than he tends to do on his own?

Despite seeing several people take the piss out of her on here, I kept quiet. But her post in this thread directed at Wakky was finally enough. She was and has been making a fool out of herself for various reasons yet is the first to jump on any opportunity to point out when Casper does the same.

And now she storms off in a huff when the tables are turned on her. I told her a week or two ago that this can be a tough place and she blew it off as if she had it all figured out. Oh well.

Sorry if that makes me a bitch, but at least I had the balls to say what many others have been thinking.
It's just odd is all I was saying Shari. Looking at the thread and the posters involved it looks orchestrated. Maybe I am going Pavy here but something just doesn't feel right about the way this went down. And Wally had been saying for awhile that he wanted Cali to go away so he kinda had it coming. I don't fault you for expressing your dislike for Cali but I enjoyed having her around. Gives new meaning to the term SBR PRO though.
Remember in second grade when the boys used to pull the hair of girls they had a crush on? Some things never change.

I have been thinking the exact same thing the last few days. If this was a 30's schoolhouse, Deuce and SoV would be sticking her ponytail in the inkwell.

Child Psychology 101 FTW.
I think that had more to do with the time of night than anything else.

And I had no problem with her posting here either. These forums are full of types of personalities so the more the merrier. I even told her that.

However... when I posted her quote in here, she couldn't just leave it at "Damn it". Without my even replying, she posts something about assuming I was feeling pretty smug about calling her out. She chose to get into it with me and she chose to continue it. There are many, many, many things I could have said to tear 8 new assholes in her. I could've pointed out every hypocritical post of hers, every instance where people have told her to smarten up and/or get lost yet those posts completely went over her head.

But I truly didn't think she was worth the time or effort so I didn't bother. Instead I merely responded. Not my problem if she wasn't getting the responses she was hoping for.
Oh and I meant to add: Calling me a cunt but not typing the complete word because she is 'classy'? Sorry dude - call me a cunt and you'll get it right back. Especially when the person dishing it out is someone who equates class to posing in her bikini in her apartment, at night time, with full makeup and shoving the picture on a gambling forum.

Absolutely unreal.
Oksana, you seriously don't have to explain. If I could ever figure out how to quote something from on thread to another thread I would have done it in the Tribute to Archie thread. You simply did what I couldn't and others didn't and when faced with it Cali lost her cool. We all make mistakes or misspell/misuse a word, mine generally end up in Matty's quotes but we either admit to the misstake, own it or lash out.

Coug's I didn't really want Cali to leave as much as I wanted her to realize that you earn a place with a group rather than simply take it for granted. If my initial reservations about her were proven wrong I would have admitted to being wrong about her. Hell I spent a year bashing Herman before realizing there was something in him I could identify with.

GameLive like many other forums is a tough place to hang around. You can learn a lot about yourself and others from what is posted. In the real world you can simply surround yourself with only those that accept your rightful place on that self anointed pedestal. On these forums you either adapt and adjust or log off.
Wally just hit reply with quote then highlight the quote. Right click, cut. Then go to the thread you want to post that quote in. Right click, paste.