I Lost Two Friendships. Time To Make Them Right

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now i see that youve taken a shot at muddy. this, sir, will not stand. now may be a good time for an agonizing reappraisal of your whole life. please recant your statements towards mudcat or shit is about to get ugly.

very respectfully,

Fu Manchu, Esq. M.D.

Thank you for your concern but having shots taken at me by Casper is not as devastating as you might imagine. Having Casper threaten to use his intellectual powers against me is in the category of having one of the Olsen twins threaten to kick my ass.
Which one, Muddy? The anorexic one or the bulimic one? This makes a difference.
i know, i know. but it just caught me off guard. who the fuk takes shots at mudday? seriously, who?

other than shanty of course and that was totally legitimate because you absolutely deserved a red pepper in the ass for stiffing him.
Which one, Muddy? The anorexic one or the bulimic one? This makes a difference.

I can never remember which is which.

i know, i know. but it just caught me off guard. who the fuk takes shots at mudday? seriously, who?

other than shanty of course and that was totally legitimate because you absolutely deserved a red pepper in the ass for stiffing him.

When this is all over, will you be my doppelganger?
sorry pal, i already have a doppleganger. me and caligirl have had a very strong connection from the start and she is my doppleganger now.
Fu, the Master, is in strong form today. I'm using part of your post as title.
I'm not reading this whole thread but if you made this thread Casper only to NOT pay VD you are a big fat gaping CUNT
I bet Casper is really looking forward to the Entourage premiere on HBO, as am I.

Casper, you get Showtime too? good shows on Showtime.
wow, i hadnt really kept up with this thread after the first post, which was absurdly pathetic.

casper i had no problem with you in the past, despite your occasional histrionics and fairly obvious personality disorders. i found your trip to vegas comical but i wasnt one of the people you tried to stiff for money at the bash so i had no hard feelings. we met in vegas and i thought you were a decent, quasi-upstanding, psuedo-normal dude.

after said rendezvous, i realized you were a complete nut after the caligirl stuff (a poster who i am loathe to bring up due to her seemingly insatiable longing for more attention. nonetheless, i have to to get my point across here), as well as pretending to be your roommate (a person whom i am also acquainted with and does in fact exist) for more attention.

just recently i realized that youve lied to me about borrowing money from posters and you have in fact stiffed at least one poster. that is extremely shameful and contemptible.

now i see that youve taken a shot at muddy. this, sir, will not stand. now may be a good time for an agonizing reappraisal of your whole life. please recant your statements towards mudcat or shit is about to get ugly.

very respectfully,

Fu Manchu, Esq. M.D.

i know, i know. but it just caught me off guard. who the fuk takes shots at mudday? seriously, who?

other than shanty of course and that was totally legitimate because you absolutely deserved a red pepper in the ass for stiffing him.

For starters:






Let's look at this from a positive side? The carnage and number total could have been a lot worse if he had more than two friends!
true mrm

gawd i hate this thread
true mrm

gawd i hate this thread

Yea, how can you not! Started by a certified stiff which he has admitted to being! I mean OK you stiff Bread, or Plommer, or Blitty, or Bread, or Daft or Bread but not Vegas Dave! Come on!

I remember when I joined over there I think late 2008 and only thing I ever signed up for via e-mail was VD's weekly football forecast! Total up and up guy who fukstick took advantage of!