Hottest movie roles, non porn

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Jan 30, 2010
I'm going with Cuthbert. She killed it in The Girl Next Door.

This scene gets to me every time.

Got any?

I still always like this one

Cuthbert was pretty hot in that movie, yes.

Ummmm let me think.

Does it count as porn if they just do an immortal boob shot? (I'm talking to YOU Phoebe Cates in Fast Times @ Ridgemont High).

If not, that is my vote, hands down.

If that doesn't vote goes to Matthew McConaughey in Surfer Dude.

Cuthbert FTW
All the hocky fanboys check in.

LOL @ her playing Keifer Sutherland's daughter in 24. Nothing that attractive could come out of that dick.

I'm talking to YOU Donald Sutherland!!

There are many artsy movies that come to mind for me.

Marushka Detmers in Devil in the Flesh. She was hot enough to begin with - then she did the first actual blowjob scene I ever saw in a non-porn. It was a spiritual experience.

Caroline Ducey in Romance looking hot in several scenes of non-simulated sex.

Paz Vega was very hot in Sex and Lucia. Kind of a dull movie as I recall but her erotic scenes perked things right up.
Christina Ricci in Black Snake Moan. Something about white trash girl chained up by a black dude stirs my juices.
Brad Pitt in "Fight Club"
Sean Penn in that flick where his daughter gets killed
George Clooney all of his movies
Forgot his name..."Leaving Las Vegas"
Come on guys we all know we got a naughty rush the first time NYPD Blue did prime time nude shots. I looked for a Sharon Lawrence scene but couldn't find it but this one of Charlotte Ross was memorable as well.

This is sexy due to being on network TV and because of all the protest they generated due to an uptight sexual ideals.

Come on guys we all know we got a naughty rush the first time NYPD Blue did prime time nude shots. I looked for a Sharon Lawrence scene but couldn't find it but this one of Charlotte Ross was memorable as well.

This is sexy due to being on network TV and because of all the protest they generated due to an uptight sexual ideals.


Hey Mrs. X.
Noone has mentioned Sharon Stone yet? She made movie history.
First one that came to mind was Naomi Watts and Laura Elena Harring in Mullholland Drive.

This isn't the good scene, but it's something.

Good call Cougs. Naomi loves to get naked.
Cougar, I didn't know you posted the Mulholland Drive video. I pulled it up and Bread said that you had just posted it. I like your style, kid.

Here is another one: