CGSF here to brighten your day/night! <VIDEO>

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ooh he pursed. did he pursue? that Blitster:blittster:
Just a friendly heads up. Your photos are open to view on Facebook. Maybe mark them as private to only friends who you have added or have added you.

My profile pics and cover photos are visible, yes, this is okay. You can't see my status's or albums.
Who has all the underground videos of GaliGirl?
archie or plommer
CG - kind of a female Billy Idol of forumland imo.

You just never knew what was up next from her.
CG - kind of a female Billy Idol of forumland imo.

You just never knew what was up next from her.
It would be interesting to know what advice 2034 CG?? would give 2014 CGSF/NY
I Agree Girl that this could be interesting.

I think some Caliguy will sweet CG off her feet and they will make each other very happy. I'd prefer it was Casper but that shit ain't happening.
I Agree Girl that this could be interesting.

I think some Caliguy will sweet CG off her feet and they will make each other very happy. I'd prefer it was Casper but that shit ain't happening.

Do you think not reeling in Blitty will be on her 20 year regret list? Not giving Casper a chance? Posting videos on GL?

That would be great I Caligirl met a Caliguy and they had Calibabys.
Do you think not reeling in Blitty will be on her 20 year regret list? Not giving Casper a chance? Posting videos on GL?

That would be great I Caligirl met a Caliguy and they had Calibabys.

I really don't feel at liberty to speak about any of that except that Calibabies would be kickass to see.

I have a surprise coming for Casper on here in the wee hours of the night

I really don't feel at liberty to speak about any of that except that Calibabies would be kickass to see.

I have a surprise coming for Casper on here in the wee hours of the night

Is it a butt massage video?
:lol: nah

For all that is our Casper it probably should be butt it is not.
my hair is in an a-line bob now, more or less as it's grown out.

2034 CG would tell me that when the man in NYC who I love, and have loved for years calls me and says "I miss you. I need you here. Come back. I'm going to come to san francisco. we're going to figure this out." (paraphrasing) - Don't tell him I'm not sure - then yes and I love him - but then go in to a weird depressive state because I am so torn and confused that I avoid my parents and spend a weekend drinking and drugging to avoid the emotional turmoil inside. And feel lost with no job, having to sell anything I can on ebay and craigslist to make a buck so that I can apply to graduate school in NYC (afford the $100-$150 application fees) without my parents knowing so that I can go back and be with him.

2034 CG would tell me now to have never fallen into such a tumultuous love. It's not Carrie and Mr. Big. He loves me, but it's not going to work. Stop working toward a futureless future. Focus on the here and now and all these new friends I have. All the party invites and fun I am having in this crazy party city (SF) where I go out all the time and don't have any worries of men... except every night I come home alone wanting him, missing him... and I should focus harder on getting a job. Leveraging 10-20 interviews a week, in-person or over the phone; hiring managers or recruiter is not enough. I need to reach out more, and farther.

I'd tell myself to not lead on that young man I re-met from high school whose heart I broke this week. I'd tell myself that San Fran is great. But, NYC is better.

So i'm figuring out how to get back to NYC.

That is what 2034 CG would tell 2014 CG
my hair is in an a-line bob now, more or less as it's grown out.

2034 CG would tell me that when the man in NYC who I love, and have loved for years calls me and says "I miss you. I need you here. Come back. I'm going to come to san francisco. we're going to figure this out." (paraphrasing) - Don't tell him I'm not sure - then yes and I love him - but then go in to a weird depressive state because I am so torn and confused that I avoid my parents and spend a weekend drinking and drugging to avoid the emotional turmoil inside. And feel lost with no job, having to sell anything I can on ebay and craigslist to make a buck so that I can apply to graduate school in NYC (afford the $100-$150 application fees) without my parents knowing so that I can go back and be with him.

2034 CG would tell me now to have never fallen into such a tumultuous love. It's not Carrie and Mr. Big. He loves me, but it's not going to work. Stop working toward a futureless future. Focus on the here and now and all these new friends I have. All the party invites and fun I am having in this crazy party city (SF) where I go out all the time and don't have any worries of men... except every night I come home alone wanting him, missing him... and I should focus harder on getting a job. Leveraging 10-20 interviews a week, in-person or over the phone; hiring managers or recruiter is not enough. I need to reach out more, and farther.

I'd tell myself to not lead on that young man I re-met from high school whose heart I broke this week. I'd tell myself that San Fran is great. But, NYC is better.

So i'm figuring out how to get back to NYC.

That is what 2034 CG would tell 2014 CG

Call me please today anytime.
Cali it is always good to hear from you and I am disappointed to hear that you are in such a conflicted place in two departments of your life. At least you're able to go out and have fun in this state, that ain't easy. That's a shitload of interviews, I'd think something would fall into place within a reasonable amount of time. Hope things improve for you.
What schools did you apply to?
What do you miss about NY besides Chris? If he was not there would you feel such a strong want to return? Is he still seeing that other woman?

I like the Carrie and Mr. Big comparison. You should go to Mexico and throw your cell phone away in the ocean like Carrie did...then get out of your Mexicoma, get drunk with your girlfriends, and hire Jennifer Hudson to be your personal assistant. I hear ya on stopping working toward a futureless future...easier said than done. I still think Carrie should have stayed/ended up with Aiden. You sure the HS boyfriend doesn't have potential?