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I used to be a vegan but then a blind woman fell in love with me.
Alright, we're not fighting anymore. I'm just pissy because I drank a Red Bull before practice yesterday and I couldn't sleep and was hurty and really tired. Now it's eight in the morning and I'm awake after not sleeping.

I eat fish, Mr. X doesn't. So technically not a vegetarian, but it's easier to just say I am when people ask. Sushi is one of my favorites and sea urchin is yuckky poo poo.

Really, I'm a big hypocrite because mainly I'm vegetarian because of factory farming practices. If I was a real woman of principal, I'd be vegan. Also hypocritical because I also say that I will only eat animals that I would be willing to kill myself. I would kill a fish. But who knows, I haven't been fishing since I was eight.

I keep trying to go fishing, it just never happens. Quite possibly I'll go fishing and then never eat fish again. Or, just stop saying that last part about only eating animals that I would be willing to kill myself.

we are all hypocrites on way or another. glad we are not fighting anymore. red-bull has the same effect on me, it's weird because i drink like 7 cups of coffee a day. but 1 red-bull and my heart beats out of control. so figure. uni on the other hand, once you get past the whole texture thing, the clean, oceanic taste of it i love. i agree with the whole factory farming b.s that are food chain has become, and i will always try to purchase local and organic, but it is not easy. but it is worth it. be well, hopefully you can get some rest.
sea urchin is yuckky poo poo.

Bunch of buddies and I tried a new sushi place once and we were offered a tasting menu - they brought us 12 different dishes one after the other and we were increasingly impressed with every one of them. The final dish was a big ball of sea urchin that rested on top of a bed of rice. We felt pranked on. This is NOT food. I used most of the tablecloth to try and clean the "taste" off my tongue. Good God.

Bunch of buddies and I tried a new sushi place once and we were offered a tasting menu - they brought us 12 different dishes one after the other and we were increasingly impressed with every one of them. The final dish was a big ball of sea urchin that rested on top of a bed of rice. We felt pranked on. This is NOT food. I used most of the tablecloth to try and clean the "taste" off my tongue. Good God.


weak, i expect more from you

Do I really have to explain this to you? Really? Do you think I truly believe that me posting my website is going to endear me to this or any other audience? I mean seriously. I'm not a stoopid man (yes, I spelled stupid wrong on purpose to illustrate my point). It is the same reaon I post my website...because I am looking for a reaction. Mama Mia, for a smart audience you guys don't quite seem to get it. I've thought of posting this before as it would expose my reasons for many of the others. But it appears all but a few are hip to this schtick. Et tu Jello?

Do I really have to explain this to you? Really? Do you think I truly believe that me posting my website is going to endear me to this or any other audience? I mean seriously. I'm not a stoopid man (yes, I spelled stupid wrong on purpose to illustrate my point). It is the same reaon I post my website...because I am looking for a reaction. Mama Mia, for a smart audience you guys don't quite seem to get it. I've thought of posting this before as it would expose my rasons for many of the others. But it appears all but a few are hip to this schtick. Et tu Jello?

Spin it as you might, you're still doing little more than spamming.
Matt, I dare say I post as much as anyone on this site and I post my site only in those situations I believe it will cause a chain reaction. If you believe that the majority of my posts have my website attached, well son, you just ain't been paying attention.

Do I really have to explain this to you? Really? Do you think I truly believe that me posting my website is going to endear me to this or any other audience? I mean seriously. I'm not a stoopid man (yes, I spelled stupid wrong on purpose to illustrate my point). It is the same reaon I post my website...because I am looking for a reaction. Mama Mia, for a smart audience you guys don't quite seem to get it. I've thought of posting this before as it would expose my reasons for many of the others. But it appears all but a few are hip to this schtick. Et tu Jello?

Swinson. I like that. That is my new abbreviated name for Mr. Johnson.

I'm not a stoopid man (yes, I spelled stupid wrong on purpose to illustrate my point).

Oh, I saw what you did there.

The rest of the post...not so much. So are you saying you find reasons to put your website in whenever you can as some sort of inside joke between you and....yourself? I'm a little confused. How is that not supposed to get annoying for the rest of us?
Mudcat...that is about as honest as I can get. Do you know how much I earn off this site? Oh go ahead, take a guess? Did I hear nothing? Well, you guessed it. If it was my intention to make money off something, anything whether it be selling picks, cars, or appliances don't you think it would be in my best interest not to turn my potential customers against me? I may have a graduated with a triple major in business but I dare say, I learned that without any degree at all. I find the reactions amusing and more often than not, I use it as an entree to stir the proverbial pot. If you ever listened to my podcast you'd know that having a few laughs is as important to me as picking a winner.
I could post my site once a week and in that thread I would get pillared by people saying all I do is post my site. The fact is I enjoy posting here because...drum roll....I enjoy posting here. Look, the bottom line is all touts are viewed as charlatans no matter what. I dont even charge for my picks. I dont even have you sign up for anything. That being said, I will be lumped in with all of them regardless of my intentions. So, if I can beat'em, I'll join them.
I think I understand your motivation Swinger. You want attention. I have bouts of that too. When I was riding hot in CBB I would wonder " IS ANYBODY EVEN PAYING ATTENTION TO ME!". I'm starting to feel that way about my MLB thread already. Hey, by the way, speaking of my MLB thread have you checked it out lately?? Let me give you a link....
I think I understand your motivation Swinger. You want attention. I have bouts of that too. When I was riding hot in CBB I would wonder " IS ANYBODY EVEN PAYING ATTENTION TO ME!". I'm starting to feel that way about my MLB thread already. Hey, by the way, speaking of my MLB thread have you checked it out lately?? Let me give you a link....

7-1!! :highfive:

I care, buddy.
And you know what? I would check it out. Look, people either get me or they don't. I like this site, I enjoy Peeps and SBR. If you have read my posts you will find most of them do not mention my site as I don't wish to go overboard and start boring myself. But, I also enjoy the reactions because people on these boards despise touts. And why not? Most of them are foul individuals. I am not because I don't charge and I never guarantee that which cannot be guaranteed. I am merely offering an educated opinion sprinkled liberally with humor.
Bread...why do you work nights if the games are on in the evenings?