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You calling me a pussy, Muddy? Are you???

Anyway, yeah, my only reasoning for the independent investigation was to verify that it wasn't the right vehicle, since I think it's highly unlikely, and I really don't want to hassle this guy and the cops over nothing.

Right, call the cops on this guy, they come and find that he's not the guy who ran into your house but they arrest the guy for having a tiny roach in his ashtray. Way to make friends.
mr x if you came to floriday reno would be dealing with it you f up......
20-4 7, he's way ahead of you pal.
glad nobody got hurt...
doesnt look like alot of damage from the pic considering a car hit it

whats on the exterior of the house?

a new door , a little tweaking to the framing, new sheetrock and your back in business.
It's a good thing I'm not at home. I'd be bashing stuff up with a hammer and throwing it around the front door.

I've got no scruples. I'm working on it.
I would call the police and then go have a looksee myself cause I am nosey that way.

Whenever they catch the guy what do you wanna bet his story is that dang house jumped in front of his car?
It happened about midnight.

Yes, I called the cops before posting on Gamelive. I'm rational like that.

Lots of plastic including a huge piece of the bumper. Only one piece of plastic had a part number on it. CAV .1 25685010. The cops have it. Google produced nothing useful, any help from the Gamelive community?

Okay, so there's a home up the street being worked on by contractors. I walked by it this morning, because after the crash, I though I saw a car acting suspiciously up there and when I started walking that way, they drove off. So now there's a Chevy Astro van there with a pretty bashed in front end. Someone's working in the house. I think they saw me checking out the van.

Would you:

A: Take a close look at the van, especially the underside where most of the parts came from, knowing that you're totally tipping your hand as the owner watches from inside the house.

B: Call the police with the address and license plate, knowing that it's most likely not the right car, I mean how stupid would they be parking it right down the block?

Call the police.

People are stupid.

Most people crash their vehicles very close to where they reside.

When you call them have your original case number handy
I'd throw a handgun on my hip and go check out the car. I'd probably ask your neighbor if he minds you checking out the van first though.
glad nobody got hurt...
doesnt look like alot of damage from the pic considering a car hit it

whats on the exterior of the house?

a new door , a little tweaking to the framing, new sheetrock and your back in business.

I'm no contractor but the lack of visual damage (at least to me) suggests that there is a lot of damage, that is, something bearing a load from that house slowed the car down...I would definitely have it inspected
I am thinking that if he had run over MattyRain and/or one of the hooligans, he would be in for a gaymelive butt whuppin'
God bless your health and safety.
holy hell, v. interesting weekend.

mr.x i am sorry for your door.
If I recall properly from the video Mrs. X took of Mr. X mowing the lawn, don't you have a raised porch?
yep. and a dip separating yard from the road. He made it through the dip and up the stairs somehow. Must've been flying.
So did this guy drive his vehicle away?
yep. and a dip separating yard from the road. He made it through the dip and up the stairs somehow. Must've been flying.

How is the porch? I've only seen pictures of the living room. Was is nice and breezy in the house yesterday Reno?

I'm calling the claims adjuster today, he should be out Thursday.

Reno, help me out Reno. Start throwing all our old broken shit at the front door. C'mon, you hate THE MAN, I know you do.
You should see the lawn chairs. Yeah the steps are fucked. There's a good amount of damage. Wooden cat survived.:dunno:
How is the porch? I've only seen pictures of the living room. Was is nice and breezy in the house yesterday Reno?

I'm calling the claims adjuster today, he should be out Thursday.

Reno, help me out Reno. Start throwing all our old broken shit at the front door. C'mon, you hate THE MAN, I know you do.

Mrs.X, that is not an action worthy of a self respecting revolutionary.
Mrs.X get those kind of thoughts out of your head.
This is how people end up in Fischnasty threads.