I really dislike Blitty

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Hey Blitty, what the Fuck is your problem dude?

I was told its a douche problem. It must be true because the person that told me is an expert in douching and douchery.
Blitty, I find it interesting that you want to call a truce and then make snide comments (look up snide in the dictionary) about me posting in this thread and about douching. Is part of the "wiping the slate clean" me not being able to call you out on a personal attack against Mr. X which was unprovoked? My comment was not a personal attack, which you seem to enjoy, but a comment on your attack on Mr. X. Attack the post, not the poster. Please tell me what I should and shouldn't do so that I can follow your rules more thoroughly. Thanks in advance.
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He says really fucked up shit then he tries to play it off like he's the victim. That's his thing classic young child approach to hopefully make people feel bad for you while forgetting the fucked up shit you may have just said. Poor blitty, his tactics are see through and as fragile as glass. And I don't mean the glass.that he's smoked. Though I do think drugs and alcohol fuel a lot of his posts. If he's sober and writing all this, then there is seriously something wrong.

what the fok happened in here?

blitty not good pal
Maybe to a new Yorker who is completely self absorbed and hasn't been out to see the rest of the country.

And I think you just offended th entire gamelive population with this map blittydouche
cali are you speaking with yourself?

cali are you still in texas?

bgs i think so
no he didn't

there are a lot of mountains and mormons here
kato you and I, we are unoffendable
I love that map
Mr.X, Cali is annoying but nobody wants to ban her. Settle down.

Jello, nice investigative work with the multiple quotes. Notice they were all friendly in nature.

False again. Blittydouche.

Partially, excluding a HUGH back story. I'm guessing you are bored, daft..?

How has the miami trim been lately? Have you been laying some pipe or what?

No idea what this back story is.

Fu, you called her a dumb dirty slut. Nbd.

Fu, when we hang out in CA we should go to Rancho Mirage! I heard its really nice this time of year!!

Then you can say you've been to the REAL CA. We can change your name to CaliFu.

You got chucked by a 50 year old with a daughter your age. Not a good sign. He probably got tired of not scraping the walls, with his "10 incher". Maybe Dennis rodman will be stimulated by you. Maybe.

That guy was smart to trade you in for a younger non-retarded model..

FYI festive means the same as pleasantly plump.

Why don't you make another vid showing of your grotesque camel toe and botched surgical scars?

I threw a hotdog down the hallway in my apt to imagine what it would be like to have sex with you. I can't wait! See you on Tuesday :)
Fuckin' Inland Empire Methhead Cumdumpster Trailertrash Slut Whore.

That ones my favorite. Mainly because its 100% false and shows 100% of blittydouches insanity.

I feel like he is slowly having a break down and we're all going to find him sitting in a corner of his apartment holding his knees close to his chest and rocking back and forth while muttering insults toward us. Empty bottles all over the place and empty coke and crystal meth bags all over. A half burnt out cig that he couldn't smoke with his shaking hands and the smell of desperation seeping from his pores.
eye for an eye till everyone's blind or at least their feelings and egos are hurt
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