Who;s drinking tonight?

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Miller Lots. Wild Turkey
Miller Lots. Wild Turkey

I know you're not a lightweight like me but take it easy, you have a long day ahead of you so be careful! How's Jenn doing and tell her we say hi!
Yeah be careful, put one in Jenn's old stinkeye for baconator!
Running out of Miller Lite.. Looks like Whiskey is next up.
If I thought there was ANY chance of an Amby sighting I would've Pied Pipered him.
Pied Pipered? what does that mean?
I seem to have developed a not of a knack for drawing missing posters out for a brief posting sighting. o idea how but its a thing.
was drinking some lagunitas

very hoppy and burpy though

need some boner18 domestic lites fast
Founders Red Rye and Ommegang Hoppy Hop something.

Brew York.
Bangin out Mlite pounders and grilling with camiballs.
Some entertainment for you drunks.

[video]https://fbcdn-video-i-a.akamaihd.net/hvideo-ak-xap1/v/t43.1792-2/10495536_10152253762916813_54771342_n.mp4?oh=6071c 4284c5e54210884e9cfb4ed1ae5&oe=54150434&__gda__=1410662927_7475f8310ea7d9ca70f9bd87b5321aa 4[/video]

Needed that after most recent episode of your the worst we just watched. That shit sucked!
Ya I have a feeling the finale will be disappointing.
I may stay up all night and drink...I haven't done that by myself in a long while.