When is New Orleans?

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scary, rapeface scares me
I'm getting worried that I'm gonna walk into the wrong bar and start calling random people Daffy, Fishanasty, Bread and Durito.
that happens every day in new orleans
I'm getting worried that I'm gonna walk into the wrong bar and start calling random people Daffy, Fishanasty, Bread and Durito.

Are you the ultimate non-pawn who lacks a cell phone?

Looking forward to my hug. :pig:
oh fok, it seems fischy will be our new orleans guide
We know the area pretty well. Or at least I do.
Blittys been there before. Him pro.
Robyn how many times you've been there?
This will be my fourth time.
Yall had your honey moon there right?
I thought you had your honeymoon at that one Tampa stripclub we all went to? :clueless:
There are still seats available @ $300 on the flight I'm taking tomorrow morning... same price I paid 6 weeks ago... crazy.

Let's do this already. Jesus fok.

Salud boys!

Wish I was going. Someone call me Saturday night. Not Bread.
Where are you staying? We should meet up, down a few Jacks and the join the rest of the crew.


intercontinental. downtown just outside the quarter
get here soon fuckers. Already wasted. Don't know how long I can last :up: