What was your last google search.

Maggie Siff piss
I feel like I might lead gamelive in creating google searches.
You should duckduckgo Mudcat.
The hell did you just say to me?

Well as far as this thread, it's other people. I say odd or indecipherable crap and that creates google searches for other gamelivers.

That's what I feel like I'm leading the league in.

Which is not to say I don't do googles of my own. So okay, I'll try what you say and make duckduckfuckinggo my home page and see what the fuck.

You're on.
And now, duckduckgo is my home page.

This better be good.
indecipherable crap

Big fucking word for an ovoid drunk.

I bet you had to spellcheck that shit before submitting.
Also ovoid.
I actually know the word ovoid - one meaning of it anyway - but it doesn't really apply in that context.

Mebbe I better duckduckgo that shit.
riot fest chicago 2016...... and then Ovoid

they should start calling it the Obama Ovoid Office or Trip O for short..

No sir.