What was your last google search.

“How tall was Hulk Hogan”

This led me to watching the entire film “Pumping Iron” somehow.
how were the terminators sent back in time
What happened to a lot of these posters?

Anyhow, my last Google Search was how to sync an Xfinity remote to a different TV. It actually worked after a frustrating time. I still have to use the other remote for the volume for some reason…

I can deal with it for now …
What the heck is going on in France or it just normal Twitter outrage and hype.
What the heck is going on in France or it just normal Twitter outrage and hype.
White police officer killed a 17 year old Berber boy making food deliveries at a police check point.

People indignant came out in force to protest and France deployed 45K anti mob police to squash those Africans.

The police lied in the report and is now held for murder.

How to get your stool back to normal