What are you listening to?

Heaven on a hard dick.

Listening to it again now. I'd like to experience your system Joorer.
Damn dood Dub bass is the best thing to come out of the entire electronica experiment.

"I love my enemies more than friends...thats why treat 'em so friendly cause they let you know they hate ya...but a friend hide his envy"

Guilty pleasure :grin:

He predicted there would come a day
But not today
He'd be proven right.

WOW! :bow:

If you don't well up to this, you're not human.

if you like that you might like this

wowowow been looking for this version for years

For all of my E-heads out there. I love this song. It's been getting a lot of play in the clubs here...

This is another club song I really like...

This will make you want to jump in front of a bus. So sick.

