what are you getting into this weekend???

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I have already knocked off a few pesky chores. Banking, haircut, a few farty things around the apartment.

Hoping to get very focused on music now.

Also got some pork tenderloin to barbecue. Got a new episode of The Knick ready and waiting, and some movies. Still wading through my rewatch of Deadwood with extreme joy.

The life of a hermit at this point.
Amby that sounds fun, tell me more about the Halloween thing.

Muddy, that actually sounds like a pleasant afternoon.
We got drunk at the bar

Bacon drunk dialed a client by accident, he's fine


do you guys have any idea how frustrating it is being a complete fuck up? Seriously, it gets annoying :facepalm:
Cami Universal does it every year. They stay open until like midnight-2am and have like 6 haunted houses. They are based on different movies. Walking dead, Dracula, Halloween, Etc. they also have different areas of the park that they walk around and try to scare the shit out of you.

They keep open some rollercoasters too. It is a good time and the production value in each of the haunted houses is excellent.
That sounds like fun Amby!

Bacon, you are not a complete fuck up, hush now.
Her - It's the grand opening of the Fort York Interpretation Centre this weekend!
Me - Ooooooh. So what?
Her - I feel like we should go.
Me - 'cause it's a free event at the park?
Her - *nods* It's a free event at the park.


On the upside, that's enough brownie points for a full day of football-watching tomorrow.

Hey, you're about to see Canada's largest collection of 1812-era military structures. What's the problem?

Post some pictures.
Canada has a military? :clueless:
Hey, you're about to see Canada's largest collection of 1812-era military structures. What's the problem?

I can see them from my condo. And I've been earlier this year. There were lots of people in costumes.

I guess today will be different. Lots of people in costumes, described by minimum-wage history-major guides.
See, Fort York. There is lots of grass and some restored 200yo buildings. I've interpreted it for ya.

Wow that guy in the 2nd white car under the sign is receiving highway head go him
Back to back world war champions!! Usa USA usa!
Nice streak, 'murica!

Weird to sit at a picnic table in the middle of a hugh patch of grass that's belted by modern high-rises.

On a third date with a girl I met on Tinder.

On her couch watching football as she is showering.

Drinking cheap wine because thats all their is in her fridge alcohol wise.

I'm thinking sushi and sex is on the menu.
Got whamhammered at the bar again yesterday.

I'd like to thank the academy and Cami for cutting me off.

Good call, Camiballs. I salute you.
