what are you getting into this weekend???

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Fokking wedding in the middle of fokking nowhere, that's what. :facepalm: Waste of a full weekend.
Say hi to Miranda for me. :chickendance:

Volunteering at World Pride tomorrow.
I will not do that. She may ask about you though.
Wife is in London. Lotsa ordered chineese food and sitting in my undies. I guess the only difference between a weekend where my wife is here is the chineese food.
I am hitting casino tomorrow.

Will watch the Red Sox/Yankee series on TV

Probably drink Bloody Mary's on Sunday.
I anticipate a lot of fighting with my electric guitar this weekend.

Wretched fucking instrument.
Watching the World Cup final! Is there anything else to do on the most watched event in the history of the world?
We were sitting on the porch this weekend, playing BezzerWizzer (which I have won 4 - 0) and I am waiting a good 10 minutes for Bacon to read my next trivia question to me....he finally looks at me, with a blank stare, for like another five minutes.... I yell WHAT?!
Bacon: "You're really kind of weird"
me: "how so?"
Bacon: (shakes his head) "you're just weird."
me: "okayyy...."

Bacon's all Walter Mitty meats Fear and Loathing in Claysburg....and I am the weird one!?
Watching the World Cup final! Is there anything else to do on the most watched event in the history of the world?

hope to have a repeat of last weekend?

american dollorz and casino chips, saulty
this coming weekend I am driving for about 6 hours to the lovely coast of Florida for a nice week of beach, sand, sun, surf...and school work.