things you hate

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just testing the above smiley. disregard.
This got my blood pressure up. I didn't shout but I did call you a cock sucker out loud upon reading it.


This got my blood pressure up. I didn't shout but I did call you a cock sucker out loud upon reading it.

Why did what Bread say upset you? I think he made a valid point from my point of view.

I know if I didn't care for someone's posting persona and abhorred excessive alcohol/drug intake, I wouldn't bother driving across town to hang out with them in a tiny social setting, much less to another city.

Bread didn't come across to me as being a dickhead or saying he didn't want you to be there. To me it sounded like he was genuinely wondering why you'd WANT to be there.
This got my blood pressure up. I didn't shout but I did call you a cock sucker out loud upon reading it.

Wally, you do realize that this forum is centered around drinking, right?
Why did what Bread say upset you? I think he made a valid point from my point of view.

I know if I didn't care for someone's posting persona and abhorred excessive alcohol/drug intake, I wouldn't bother driving across town to hang out with them in a tiny social setting, much less to another city.

Bread didn't come across to me as being a dickhead or saying he didn't want you to be there. To me it sounded like he was genuinely wondering why you'd WANT to be there.

Shari, it's not all about Bread. Maybe I want to meet some of these other people and not just Bread. Maybe I in fact want to meet Bread and see if Bread the person is different than Bread the poster. Maybe Bread ONCE AGAIN has read something but not fully comprehended what has been said and thus he has jumped to conclusions.

Bread took the fact that I wrote I hated drug and alcohol addiction and turned it into I would hate all these people probably. He took a comment about not understanding his posting sometimes as I obviously must not like him as a poster. I've said more than once that I absolutely LOVE Bread's writing ability but don't always get his posting style, some I like some I don't. How can that be taken as hating the poster?

Shari, where in what I listed as things I hate did I say that I hated people who drank? Where did it say I hated people who did drugs? Where did it say I hated Bread? How did Bread come to his conclusion, because either Bread was trying to be funny or because Bread didn't comprehend what I said.

Now to Bread's credit, I may come away from Orlando and indeed not like some or even any of the people I will meet. By the same token I could come away from Orlando and like these people even more than I already do. As far as I am concerned though this is Bread's party. While it isn't at his house he was the one who initially announced it so if Bread would prefer I not be there then I will repsect that and not be there, otherwise I down to meet.

Shari, much like the Pam Anderson comment on my list off things I hate, the "cock sucker" comment was included for humor purposes and not to be taken seriously.
Ok. This is why I seek clarification when something leaves me befuddled.

I hope you have a great time. :wally:
Women who put make up or yank their eyebrows while they drive in the morning. I had one almost kill me today on my motorcycle. And ladies if you can't see over the steering wheel you shouldn't be driving a 4 ton SUV!
lolllllllll!! Wally it's all about me. It always is. I'm sorry sir. Reading it again you didn't say you hated people who drink, you said you hated addiction and alcoholism, I believe. There I go with my God complex again.

I apologize. See you in a couple weeks. I'm gonna give you a noogie.

lolllllllll!! Wally it's all about me. It always is. I'm sorry sir. Reading it again you didn't say you hated people who drink, you said you hated addiction and alcoholism, I believe. There I go with my God complex again.

I apologize. See you in a couple weeks. I'm gonna give you a noogie.


full circle

love in the hate thread

fucking great
full circle

love in the hate thread

fucking great


Unreal. Isn't it, kato? What can a guy possibly do to get a little hate going around this place? :dunno:

It seems nearly impossible.

Unreal. Isn't it, kato? What can a guy possibly do to get a little hate going around this place? :dunno:

It seems nearly impossible.

no kidding
Is there such a thing?

For many it's guys who won't reciprocate.

Don't be afraid -- with your nose positioned properly breathing won't be a problem.
you didn't say you hated people who drink, you said you hated addiction and alcoholism, I believe.

That's also how I read it. Same way you can hate cancer but not people who have cancer.

Hugs y'all.....