Random thoughts

Was big eared teddy allowed to see THAT though :thinking:
Also I seem to be running out of forks.

Its not just you. I'm pretty sure there is a global shortage.

Have you ever seen a fork factory?

Exactly! Its like they don't exist.
Gotta give Jian credit.

Male genitals seem to be better suited for fondling.

A cock and balls has substance and a handle to grip whereas a cunt is just a hole and has nothing to really latch on to.
Gotta give Jian credit.

Male genitals seem to be better suited for fondling.

A cock and balls has substance and a handle to grip whereas a cunt is just a hole and has nothing to really latch on to.
Worked for Lena Dunham. Interested in everyone's take on that mess.
Wouldn't it be interesting if suddenly nothing happened ever?

Well, maybe interesting is the wrong word.
I think it's more likely that everything is always happening.
Wouldn't it be interesting if suddenly nothing happened ever?

Well, maybe interesting is the wrong word.

I think it's more likely that everything is always happening.

For years I've had a postcard on my front door that was a quote by crazy Frenchman Georges Perec:

Il ne se passe rien, en somme. Nothing really happens, in the end.

Which is a way of saying both what you and Muddy are saying.

Nothing new is happening.

I was actually talking about the TV show, The Affair.
Why are the characters in The Walking Dead not using spears to kill the walkers? It would be so much easier and effective. I can't believe the producers didn't think about this. It's the most basic and archaic weapon and yet it doesn't feature in a post-apocalyptic show.
I rewatched the first episode of WD recently for no good reason. One of the opening scenes showed Rick peeking under his car and you see a little girl's feet walking by and pick up a doll. He gets up and runs around to check on her, not knowing what all is quite happening yet due to his coma, and of course it's a zombie girl ARRRGHGHGHGH!!!! But they definitely changed that characteristic of the zombies pretty quickly.

Once you turn now, you don't have any memories or traits from when you were alive. Also when he's at that black guy's house they show his zombie wife come to the door and through the peephole you see her look around confused instead of clawing to get in. It's like she recognizes something familiar.

It bothered me a bit that they made such a drastic change without announcement in the show. Who knows, maybe it's an evolution of the undead. But yea, it's something.

So spears eh? :guitar:
It seems to me the walkers from GOT should fight the the walkers from WD for a 90 minute movie that I wouldn't watch.

Just sayin -BUTTCAT
But then sometimes they call me buttbutt.

Because my butt is like a butt.

And when I say my butt is like a butt, I mean it is like an aging white guy butt. In other words ---> no butt.

My butt is simultaneously like a butt and no butt.

and you call yourself buttbutt?
Probably only a matter of time before I have full blown Hank Hill Syndrome

Unsupervised teenagers - they're the best.

Actually, the video description indicates that camera dude is the dad.
