Picked up a stray dog today

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Jan 27, 2010
A beagle was wandering aimlessly behind the KFC. Lots of traffic around there. Noticed it had tags. I bent down and slowly put my hand out, testing to make sure it wouldn't lunge & bite. Address was on one of the tags. Recognized the street as close by. Picked her up and carried her in my arms all the way home, less than a 5 min walk. My car was on the other side of a very long fence, was easier going by foot. The owner was in the garage fixing something, expressed surprise as I approached asking if it was his dog. He asked where I found her, gave an emphatic thank you, then yelled at the dog for taking off. I don't think he knew the dog was gone.

Y'all can call me a sensitive pussy, it breaks my heart seeing a stray dog. What is that dog's fate? If the beagle had no address tag, I wouldn't have left it behind the KFC.
Breaks my heart that the owner didn't know and then yelled at the dog.
Owner's fault and then he yells at the dog????
Some people are just crazy.....
When I read the thread title I thought maybe Hawky went ugly early at the local bar and was going to give us the play by play
:up: Excellent job Hawk! Making it real hard to break your balls in the future! :yes:
Yeah guys, I didn't like hearing him yell at the dog. He should have been relieved having her returned.

Shady shit happens there

Nice one Hawk :highfive:

The last dog I owned was a dog I found. I walked out of the house to go to school and there was a dog walking in the street. He was oblivious to cars and I thought for sure if he was out much longer he would get hit. I started walking close to him and he came right up real friendly. I had no time to look for his owner but I could not leave him running around in the street. So I put a bowl of water in my garage and placed him in there.

When I got home I walked him around the neighborhood but no one recognized him. I also checked with the pound but no one was looking for him. After a few days I was hoping an owner would not come forward and I got my wish. I ended up keeping him. The vet said he was around 1 year old when I found him. He lived with me for 13 good years.
Good man, Hawk. :highfive:
The last dog I rescued had tags. The owners had PCS'ed to Alaska and dumped the dog before they left. When I called the doggie rescue center with the information, the owners said that they never had a dog. I was able to get her records from the local vet. The vet had included in the notes that they were asking about the price of paying to take a dog "abroad" (through Canada) and that they expressed concern about being able to afford it. Douche bags.
I was talking to someone in real estate at the weekend and you'd be surprised (you may not be but I was) at the number of people who do that. Idiots should be banned from having children.
boy lots of dog lovers here

i take it no one has tasted dog before?
When I read the thread title I thought maybe Hawky went ugly early at the local bar and was going to give us the play by play

Good eye, Daft, although that type of thread is more Fischy's style.

Hawk, good job taking care of that pup. It makes me sad that the owner yelled at her as if she should have known better than to look for food she probably isn't being fed at home. Jerks.
Smart move yelling at the dog. I'm sure the dog knew exactly what he was yelling about. Dogs are great at analyzing things like that.

(Fucking tool.)
Seeing strays bothers me because I used to have a dog. One time he got loose (didn't have his collar on) and it took two hours of searching before I found him, most of it during thunderstorms. It was one of the worst feelings of my life, not knowing what would happen to him if I didn't find him. Hit by car? Fending for himself in the wild and eventually starving to death? Attacked by another animal? Someone took him in, were they cruel or kind to him?