Passenger plane carrying 227 en route to Bejing has gone missing

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yeah the image really shows that fucktard
did you just call me a fucktard, turbofucko?
haha! Matt's a fucktard!
is turbofucko a bad thing though? i love jackrabbit mode.
some guy on a manned oil rig is claiming to have saw the plane crash
This just goes to show how little interest this girl has in this forum other than as an outlet to document her spiraling life and to start shit with female posters.

Cali- I know you haven't noticed...but I have waaaaaaaaaaaaaay cut down the posting since the big ta doo a couple weeks back...especially threads...see I learn from my mistakes unlike some people.
I posted that way because of how other boards work. Sometimes you have to make adjustments.

Yeah, I'm older than you, bored, pathetic, post too much. blah blah blah. You've said that before. Everyone with half a brain sees thru that charade. You have no idea what my life is about, because you don't care to know much about anyone unless you are fighting with or fucking them. But I have a pretty great life least I don't start threads about how it's spiraling out of control.

As far as my response to you, it was not your single post...that was the THIRD one in 3 days referencing me including your attempt to hijack my thread. I have defended you so much in the last month while others have called you a worthless whore, complained about YOUR posting, etc etc. If you missed those posts of mine, I would be happy to post them, because I seemed to be the ONLY one here that was standing up for you then. But you don't call out the guy posters who criticize you (and there are quite a few,) you choose to a woman who has invited you on the GL girls trip, told Ray to stop calling you a worthless whore, was worried when your a/ds went missing? Until yesterday I had not posted a negative thing about you in 2014. I don't know if you don't pay attention or just don't care, but you can't use the "she started it thing" with a straight face. You just can't. It's obvious that you are jealous of any male attention given to any one else. That has always been the issue. Why is it that Cami, Nina and Teela and I get along just fine?

Yeah...I have never met Freefall (I know who you meant here and I prefer he is not brought into this by anybody ..he doesn't deserve that ...but it just goes to show how little you know about most posters here) Because you don't care about them...the only person you care about is yourself.

"she started it" You can't make this stuff up.

I noticed you posted less. I only get on here every few days. It was so nice being able to see posts from other people through your ususal clutter.

you obviously, in turn, know nothing about me either and don't care to find out more. You know my full name, google me, I'm not some coke whore as you continue to call me. repeat your 3rd paragraph back to yourself but reverse it - What I mean is that your calling me that is no different than my calling you pathetic et. al. its EXACTLY the same. Any idiot with half a brain sees that.

I don't care what RayRay thinks of me. I don't care what you think of me. Some people have had opinions about me me that from day one before I even started posting content on here giving them fuel to say that. RR included. People here have hated me from day one, just like people disliked you from day one. You can't help it. A lot of people here know that I'm, in actuality, a pretty put together and well rounded adult with a huge group of friends and I am comfortable in myself and in my sexuality and am pretty well balanced in life. I post here for fun, I suggest you try it. Don't be so serious. Put on a character or persona like the rest of us. Few people on here are the same in real life. A lot of people are playing into a character. Sorry you're too dense to understand that as well.

I'm not jealous of you at all. I find you SUPER annoying. Like I said, you're the yapping dog who never shuts up. I'm not jealous of anyone on here. Well, I'm a little jealous of Blitty.

Oh not Freefall. my bad. Haha poor FreeFall!

Ok, great, leverage - stop being so annoying and I won't out you on who it actually was. However I'm pretty sure everyone knows.
Put on a character or persona like the rest of us. Few people on here are the same in real life. A lot of people are playing into a character. Sorry you're too dense to understand that as well.

this is not true Cali. Maybe other forums, but Gamelive is all about being the most realist. Maybe Blitty gave you the wrong impression. The guy is kind of a lose cannon.
Ok, great, leverage - stop being so annoying and I won't out you on who it actually was. However I'm pretty sure everyone knows.

After seeing how quickly he responded to your post I'm changing my vote from Casper to Reno.

this is not true Cali. Maybe other forums, but Gamelive is all about being the most realist. Maybe Blitty gave you the wrong impression. The guy is kind of a lose cannon.

Wasn't it Blitty that told Potato that all the former SBR sharps call gamelive home?


Blitty is a fukkin rascal.
for what Plommer?

The list of gamelive dicks Cali has hosted. The total is either 3 or 4. Casper, Blitty, Reno and Freefall.

Reeno, you probably don't consider yourself a gamelive dick, but I do.
I deserve a little creative dick license Plommer, don't you think?
This has been an interesting read. I have to agree with Reno that this is probably one of the forums where people don't play into a character role. Most of us have met outside of here and it would be pointless to play into a role when we all know each other.

Now, how about that missing plane?
A few more members of the plane have been identified:


The REALEST no role plane ever.