Passenger plane carrying 227 en route to Bejing has gone missing

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I hope they find this plane soon so Cali & IAG can stop fighting.
Casper do better, jesus.
Casper do better, jesus.

Just got the living room completed yesterday.

Had to wait a week for delivery, but I'm happy with it.
Cali don't forget the cone around its neck.

You're supposed to feel sorry for it and understand why it chases its own tail all day. Please try to be a better person in that way, thanks.
Boys, put stuff up on your walls.
and keep psychos away from mine, thanks.
love all the theories on this... the best one being that the plane is floating around in space (mr.m has probably seen it out his window then) ... 2nd best is the idea that the plane was totally hijacked and is safe and sound on the ground somewhere ...
Art will come shortly.

I am the only boy here.

My roommate is female.
Doesn't have to be art. Who the fok lives in a bare place?

A. Most of the guys at Gamelive.
Doesn't have to be art. Who the fok lives in a bare place?

A. Most of the guys at Gamelive.

or you could be extremely lazy and have your place decorated by your mom 7-8years ago... (with the worst taste possible) and have still been too lazy to change anything :facepalm:

might be my summer project...throw a lot of stuff away, paint and buy overpriced new shit
Doesn't have to be art. Who the fok lives in a bare place?

A. Most of the guys at Gamelive.

Matty, we JUST moved in lol.

I will hang up some stuff today.
The thing about wall art is it usually has no resale.

I can always sell my couch, tv, table, bed etc.

I do like art though. Got a few cool pieces up.
I thought you said "myself" ... And smiled

My stepfather hung himself in my house when I was 12.

If I was going to kill myself I would do it a lot more inventive and productive.

Like wear a suicide bomb and give you a big hug Ray Ray.
I had to identify the brother of a gf a long time ago...dude hung himself in his attic in the middle of summer...found him a week later...words can't describe the smell in that place...the gf was too scared to go up there to identify him... They should have burned that place ...

I'm glad you wouldn't go that route...its too good for you
When a person says to me "xxx likes to mess with people's personal lives when xxx gets pissed, lol"

I don't lol.
I noticed you posted less. I only get on here every few days. It was so nice being able to see posts from other people through your ususal clutter.

you obviously, in turn, know nothing about me either and don't care to find out more. You know my full name, google me, I'm not some coke whore as you continue to call me. repeat your 3rd paragraph back to yourself but reverse it - What I mean is that your calling me that is no different than my calling you pathetic et. al. its EXACTLY the same. Any idiot with half a brain sees that.

I don't care what RayRay thinks of me. I don't care what you think of me. Some people have had opinions about me me that from day one before I even started posting content on here giving them fuel to say that. RR included. People here have hated me from day one, just like people disliked you from day one. You can't help it. A lot of people here know that I'm, in actuality, a pretty put together and well rounded adult with a huge group of friends and I am comfortable in myself and in my sexuality and am pretty well balanced in life. I post here for fun, I suggest you try it. Don't be so serious. Put on a character or persona like the rest of us. Few people on here are the same in real life. A lot of people are playing into a character. Sorry you're too dense to understand that as well.

I'm not jealous of you at all. I find you SUPER annoying. Like I said, you're the yapping dog who never shuts up. I'm not jealous of anyone on here. Well, I'm a little jealous of Blitty.

Oh not Freefall. my bad. Haha poor FreeFall!

Ok, great, leverage - stop being so annoying and I won't out you on who it actually was. However I'm pretty sure everyone knows.

I don't believe I ever called you a least not publicly. I stated what others had said.

I have no need to google you. I googled you when I got your address and sent you the book. I have no doubt you have a few positives in your life.

No leverage...of course everyone knows who it is. There was a thread about it months ago! It's not a secret.

I don't really understand the character thing. I have seen threads you have made about your life spiraling out of control, having few friends, no job. I don't know if that is some role you are playing or what. It doesn't really matter to me..just odd statement to me.

That's all. I have no interest in continuing this ridiculousness.
