New Pussy

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Teela, you have a gorgeous smile!!!
Thanks, Pucky! I've always been self-conscious of it.

Unless you mean it like this (if that's the case, you're a creep):

Where is Teela`s smile? I want to see.
She's in the rare pictures thread Tronner
This feline is growing, the thing just won't stop eating. He's 13# and not quite 8 months old. I guess that he's healthy and all, I just don't want to fear for my life at night time.


Here is one of him resting (rare pic of him not destroying my shoes or trying to knock down lamps)


in case you want to change up its diet
CB is that your cat for real? Did it cost huge money? Looks like an ocelot. Beautiful.
Thanks Bread. Yeah he is mine it's a purebred Bengal. He is a LOT of work, but we love him.

1,200. Breeder price was 2,400 so we lopped his balls off.

Mr. Rudy Ruettiger (because the word "tiger" is in the name).
Looks like an athlete, like he should be representing his country in something.
CB...When you say he is a lot of work, what do you mean exactly? I'm assuming you mean he requires above and beyond the normal amount of work required in raising a feline. I have never owned a cat, so I don't know what it all enTAILS.
Exactly that IAG. And he is an athlete Muddy. Kid can jump like 4 feet in the air no problem.
I guess I never thought of cats as being much work. You don't need to let them out, walk them...I guess you teach them not to get on the furniture and feed them...didn't know if I was missing something.
Some updated pics:




I don't know what he weighs at this point, but he is solid. Guessing around 15#. He's also a maniac but we bought him a nice tall house to play on and he seems to like it. I prefer him playing on that instead of, say, my television.
He looks a bit startled all the time. Are you tormenting that poor cat?

:lmao: no he is just let's say slightly insane (a normal cat would be called playful) but he takes it to another level

If anything it's the other way around
I drove by the Schlafly Brewery a few months ago..
He looks like he is high on some seriously good nose candy in most of these pics

Blitty Schlafly is alright, not one of my favorites but it's decent enough