Movies/TV discussions - May 30, 2011

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I noticed most of these trailers had guys pointing guns. Don't let that turn you off, very good films. I am trying to hit all the best films of 2010 , saw this last week. Incredible film. Great cinematography

I saw this last weekend on Netflix, Netflix is really stepping up their streaming selection. Great film about Pollock and that whole abstract expressionist scene in New york.

Hoff and Greggy, be sure to stop by our Movie threads more often :dance:
That Carlos one looks good gregory
I'm going to throw another one in here which I watched last night:

The Dark Knight (2008) - I hadn't seen this since the first weekend it came out. I had all kinds of weird factors clouding my recollection and judgment of it. For one thing, I watched it with a chick whom I knew wasn't enjoying it - so me being the sensitive guy I am, that was distracting. And then since the movie came out, there was this rash of obnoxious behavior by annoying fanboiz on a different forum - so that creates backlash against it - although of course it has nothing to do with the actual quality of the movie. So last night I sat and watched and gave it my full attention. I think it is very good. Not flawless - probably not as good as Batman Begins - but there is a lot I like about it. Heath Ledger is great; I like the direction and photography. I decided on a rating of 7.4 - which rounds off to 7 at imdb - which was actually what I already had it rated.

So there you go.
Caught most of this last night

Very, very very stupid, yet couldn't take my eyes off it. I painfully admit I enjoyed it. A lot of Forgetting Sarah Marshall references if you enjoyed that as it is 2 of the guys from that movie later in life; nowhere near as good as that though.
The Greek was a lot funnier than I thought it would be.
T'was fonny as fok.
Couldn't watch The Greek because it has that idiot in it.

Whatever his name is.
FWIW I take the opposing view on The Greek movie.

I noticed most of these trailers had guys pointing guns. Don't let that turn you off, very good films. I am trying to hit all the best films of 2010 , saw this last week. Incredible film. Great cinematography

I put this in our queue. Looks pretty good.
Winter's Bone was good. 7.9 Matty Rains.
That is alot of matty rains, and you are right matty, its a good film. Rubyn, it is a little bleak, but I saw it a film festival in DC and it got a great reaction from the crowd. The rural scenery reminds me a little of Dancer in the dark.

I am going to watch Dancer again after this thread. I havent seen it in years.
I just had a decent write-up about finished when I searched for a picture of Barry Gibb and my computer starting downloading something virus-y and I had to shut down. So fuck it.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas-- :like:

Dancer in the Dark - Fucking loved it. A lot.

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Enjoyed it but for all the wrong reasons.

Stupid fucking computer.
I just had a decent write-up about finished when I searched for a picture of Barry Gibb and my computer starting downloading something virus-y and I had to shut down. So fuck it.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas-- :like:

Dancer in the Dark - Fucking loved it. A lot.

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Enjoyed it but for all the wrong reasons.

Stupid fucking computer.

Sgt Peppers, I havent seen that in ages. I just remember it being so bad, it may actually be worth throwing it somewhere in my queue .

Right in my queue below showgirls, sometimes these movies are so bad they are like comedies. We need a thread dedicated to bad movies Breaddy.

"Molly Jensen: I love you. I really love you.

Sam Wheat: Ditto."

Last edited:
They Live fight scene is an all time great

That thing is seriously hilarious
The Hangover Part II Caught this one last night. One of the worst sequels I have ever seen. I mean like worse than Ghostbusters 2. The Hangover was original and funny. Part II is desperate and just a retread of the first. It is the exact same premise as the first movie, except not funny. Galafinakis' character was funny in the first movie; he is just annoying in the second. I'll admit expectations were high after being surprised by the first movie, but this was just an epic flop.
The Hangover Part II Caught this one last night. One of the worst sequels I have ever seen. I mean like worse than Ghostbusters 2. The Hangover was original and funny. Part II is desperate and just a retread of the first. It is the exact same premise as the first movie, except not funny. Galafinakis' character was funny in the first movie; he is just annoying in the second. I'll admit expectations were high after being surprised by the first movie, but this was just an epic flop.

I am glad you told me that about hangover 2, I had it it in my queue. I had heard that it wasn't that great from someone else.

Frees up my queue for more Emmanuelle movies. Emmanuelle in bangkok just moved one notch higher.
