More thoughts on jobs and working

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Interesting development at work today.

So I have been working a Sunday-to-Thursday shift for the last 4 years. It comes with a 75 cents per hour premium. I would do it with no premium - I just like it - but an extra ~$150/month surely doesn't hurt.

Well today they pulled us aside and, out of the blue, told us the premium is increasing to $2/hour.

I won't get into the reasoning behind it but all I can say is, having money thrown at me ---> it never gets old.
Week 1 of new job training complete. Systems, lots of systems. Lots of checks. Lots of numbers and then more numbers.

Being a funder is complicated, but I can do this. I think.
Landlord at my shop has rented the unit next to mine to a bona fide street bum. I'm fokkin livid. Guy pretended to be a photographer and musician to get in the building (landlord has a soft spot for creative types.) The bum was told he couldn't live in there, but the landlord obviously can't enforce that.

The bum is living in there. When he goes out it's to smoke a cigarette while sitting on the curb in front of the building.

The human misery of downtown Owen Sound is already starting to weigh on me.
Not that its not a drag on your business but do you get a lot of walk in business?

In America we sue for shit like that. Sue the bum, the landlord, the other tenants, the city. Sue em all.
I have started to get walk-ins. A customer today had to walk past him in the stairs. He's an obvious bum.

I just went back in and grabbed 3 customer guitars to bring them home. I have excellent insurance coverage but I really don't wanna tell some of my best repeat customers that I lost their shit to a criminal/methhead who had a key to the building.

Landlord is most likely struggling to pay the bills.

The situation is going to blow up next week for sure.

The whole thing is depressing.
Buy the whole joint bro, control your costs and your neighbors. Interest rates are crazy low.
I wonder how much the guy paid for the building. It could look really good with a bit of remodeling. Used to be a "nightclub" half a century ago.
Landlord at my shop has rented the unit next to mine to a bona fide street bum. I'm fokkin livid. Guy pretended to be a photographer and musician to get in the building (landlord has a soft spot for creative types.) The bum was told he couldn't live in there, but the landlord obviously can't enforce that.

The bum is living in there. When he goes out it's to smoke a cigarette while sitting on the curb in front of the building.

The human misery of downtown Owen Sound is already starting to weigh on me.
fascinating. Welcome to America
I wonder how much the guy paid for the building. It could look really good with a bit of remodeling. Used to be a "nightclub" half a century ago.

Can't you search online for the sale/tax history?
Ha! Found it. Just $550k in 2019. Unreal. Thought it would've been twice as much. There are 12 units in the place, you could put a bit of money in it then charge a grand per in rent. That's a ton of revenue.
Owen Sound Adventure is trending as #1 at this forum currently. This is some platinum content.

But yea I feel for you Matty. I’d wanna bounce this bum ASAP.
Ima get a cheap surveillance camera thingie to document his living in there, that might help the landlord evict him.