More thoughts on jobs and working

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I bet she feels like she's really come up with something when she says that.

Reminds me of the first time my dad and I went to Paris to visit my brother. Getting out of the subway:

Dad - The imported car market seems really strong here.
Me - Perfect setting to shoot a French movie.

Meanwhile, the one woman here got taken away in an ambulance this morning. She had a fall.

Nothing life-threatening but she actually only has one arm - the other is a stump - and she fell and injured the (formerly) good arm.

Trying to decide the correct smiley for this situation. It's probably slightly cruel but I'm going with: :facepalm:
Meanwhile team Camicom doesn't have work today and Muddy does

We went bowling yesterday. Mandatory year-end "bonding" event.

My boss's wife is a painter and she told me she believes that we're all actors playing a real-life parody of The Office. #lol
:lol: I see it.

I SUCK at bowling. I am not a big fan of bowling. I'm too much of a clutz for it, I drop the ball behind me, A lot. Oops.
Bacon and Cami stopped at the local alley once in hopes of catching a buzz and having some dumb fun.

It was all families and we were mysteriously not allowed to order at the bar/lounge because it was closed, though there was a family eating there.

So we left.
I remember that. It was stupid, they said we could order drinks at the snack bar, but it was crowded, and too many kids running around to even consider that.
Meanwhile, the one woman here got taken away in an ambulance this morning. She had a fall.

Nothing life-threatening but she actually only has one arm - the other is a stump - and she fell and injured the (formerly) good arm.

Update/correction - turns out she fractured her stump.

Is she gonna go on disability because she can't use her stump? Are you guys gonna sign the cast?

So many questions about fracturing one's stump.
I'm kinda curious about potential lawsuits. Any time there is a slip 'n fall, you gotta wonder. She doesn't seem like the type but you never know when $$$ are involved. The ranking officer here has seemed very nervous in a way that goes beyond concern for her health.

She tripped on a mat in the front entrance.
If she had to lose the stump, would she mourn it? Can you ask her?
Co-sign that, we need answers here. I request estimated mourning time as well, if applicable.

I apologize if it is a sensitive issue but this is Gamelive, and this is serious business.
She uses that stump. Make no mistake about that. You see her using the stump for all kinds of shit all the time.

The stump = not to be taken lightly.
Does she have a Robocop arm that she never uses? I have a cousin who was born with a stump and only 2 weird fingers on his other messed-up arm, and he has had a series of prosthetics to complement the stump, but he almost never uses them.

He used to chase us around to pinch us with his clasping hook thingie. Shit hurt like hell. Fucker.
can she transform into a car?