I Lost Two Friendships. Time To Make Them Right

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I am trying very hard not to go off on you. You are making it hard considering I did use the word properly. I know what it means. You are just a bitter man who lives in his mother's basement making 90's style music hoping that flannel and depression becomes vogue again. Suicide may do you and your music career good.

Have a great day.


Nobody goes off on Mudcat buddy.
A doppelganger is a lookalike of a person, or a tangible double. Usually, the doppelganger is considered sinister or evil.

The root of the word is German and means double walker.

I had a nightmare about double John Walkers once.

I'm not really making any sense right now. Should probably take a nap.

Casper can I have the name of the tout service you work for again? I want to follow your picks and apply for a job, thanks pal.

Yeah, we don't really have to still wait until Tuesday, do we? Certainly you have $250 of disposable income?

I will be able to send it Tuesday. I am sorry that you have to wait until then. That is the day I am free to make the transaction.
Coming soon...

Funny, Fischy got his half. I take care of people who party with me IRL.

I am defriending you from FB baseborn meatslanger that lives in your xwifes basement
I am defriending you from FB baseborn meatslanger that lives in your xwifes basement

Go ahead. See if I care.

You'll be back. They all come back.
I am defriending you from FB baseborn meatslanger that lives in your xwifes basement

:lmao: well done
that would be an awesome match.com profile
I am trying very hard not to go off on you. You are making it hard considering I did use the word properly. I know what it means. You are just a bitter man who lives in his mother's basement making 90's style music hoping that flannel and depression becomes vogue again. Suicide may do you and your music career good.

Have a great day.


You should try harder not to go off on him next time. It's embarrassing for you.

I'll give you that you might know what doppelganger means now. But only because people have told you.

Good day, ma'am.
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This is an extremely long post, but for those of you that want to see the depths of this dog and pony show:


I want to say that is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen but the truth is, it is just consistently pathetic with a host of past observations.

Interestingly - stupidly - I can really see the threat of being banned here if he doesn't pay up - and therefore having this avenue of contact with caligirl cut off - making the difference this time. I'm glad I thought of it.

Not that he still thinks about caligirl or them ending up together because he is totally over her and he has moved on and never thinks about the possibility that they could still end up together and that's not even a lie.

I hope you get paid Dave.

Actually what I really hope is you get paid and then gamelive comes through with a surprise ban anyway as an early Christmas present for me.
I used to have a magic card called vesuvian doppelganger. That's how I learned what it was.

wow, i hadnt really kept up with this thread after the first post, which was absurdly pathetic.

casper i had no problem with you in the past, despite your occasional histrionics and fairly obvious personality disorders. i found your trip to vegas comical but i wasnt one of the people you tried to stiff for money at the bash so i had no hard feelings. we met in vegas and i thought you were a decent, quasi-upstanding, psuedo-normal dude.

after said rendezvous, i realized you were a complete nut after the caligirl stuff (a poster who i am loathe to bring up due to her seemingly insatiable longing for more attention. nonetheless, i have to to get my point across here), as well as pretending to be your roommate (a person whom i am also acquainted with and does in fact exist) for more attention.

just recently i realized that youve lied to me about borrowing money from posters and you have in fact stiffed at least one poster. that is extremely shameful and contemptible.

now i see that youve taken a shot at muddy. this, sir, will not stand. now may be a good time for an agonizing reappraisal of your whole life. please recant your statements towards mudcat or shit is about to get ugly.

very respectfully,

Fu Manchu, Esq. M.D.
I want to say that is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen but the truth is, it is just consistently pathetic with a host of past observations.

Interestingly - stupidly - I can really see the threat of being banned here if he doesn't pay up - and therefore having this avenue of contact with caligirl cut off - making the difference this time. I'm glad I thought of it.

Not that he still thinks about caligirl or them ending up together because he is totally over her and he has moved on and never thinks about the possibility that they could still end up together and that's not even a lie.

I hope you get paid Dave.

Actually what I really hope is you get paid and then gamelive comes through with a surprise ban anyway as an early Christmas present for me.

I'll be happy enough with either result. This all has been quite entertaining.

Knew I missed you guys, but didn't realize HOW MUCH I missed you guys until I got wrapped up in forum drama. It has been quite a while.

Counterproductive as all hell, but fun nonetheless.
wow, i hadnt really kept up with this thread after the first post, which was absurdly pathetic.

casper i had no problem with you in the past, despite your occasional histrionics and fairly obvious personality disorders. i found your trip to vegas comical but i wasnt one of the people you tried to stiff for money at the bash so i had no hard feelings. we met in vegas and i thought you were a decent, quasi-upstanding, psuedo-normal dude.

after said rendezvous, i realized you were a complete nut after the caligirl stuff (a poster who i am loathe to bring up due to her seemingly insatiable longing for more attention. nonetheless, i have to to get my point across here), as well as pretending to be your roommate (a person whom i am also acquainted with and does in fact exist) for more attention.

just recently i realized that youve lied to me about borrowing money from posters and you have in fact stiffed at least one poster. that is extremely shameful and contemptible.

now i see that youve taken a shot at muddy. this, sir, will not stand. now may be a good time for an agonizing reappraisal of your whole life. please recant your statements towards mudcat or shit is about to get ugly.

very respectfully,

Fu Manchu, Esq. M.D.
getting all rogue scholar on us...
did you attend a highly compatative university?
yes, and you paid for it believe it or not