I have a walking rash between my butt and thighs

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Helped point out where TSop was stiffing Paco. He still is BtW.

Technicallly Sammy did his kinda on his own. He started betting with a poster via email and posted that the guy owed him money. All I did was ask whose idea was this to begin with. I was shocked to learn it was Sammy's bright idea which meant he was still basically booking at SBR. But I did post a clown picture of him.
Look ma! No hair! :highfive:



Sell out.
Congrats. Now you'll get lucky.

Please delete that picture.

This made me laugh until I cried. Real LOL tears. I had no idea he did this until I just now saw this thread. Ballhairless Bread has been asleep since 9:50PM. I shall take him for a spin this weekend.

Mrs. X, can you please have your ma crochet a ball koozie for Bread's bald balls? I would ask his nana but she only does dishcloths.
Polaroid is drunk with power today.

I missed it. Who else got a timeout or was threatened with one?
I missed it. Who else got a timeout or was threatened with one?

GamblingStacy and Brock Landers.
I can't believe that baldballs is sleeping. Obviously, he didn't shave his balls for you, Robyn. He did it for gamelive.
Soon we'll be talking about the Gamelive angle.
Was really hoping to start a trend with posters here posting ball pics. Guess not.

Come on guys! It's fun!
I was coming in this thread thinking that I'd post something like: Just checking in for an update on Bread's balls. Seems there have been no further developments thus far.

Boy do I have a lot to learn.
Shari do you like my freshly-sheared ballys?
why is this thread still going? sheeesh

Don't tell me that's not hot, ladies.
Is that Amby's? I bet it is. I can tell by the ginger tint.
Is that Amby's? I bet it is. I can tell by the ginger tint.

That is absolutely NOT my cock. My cock always wears a necktie!
Shari do you like my freshly-sheared ballys?

Although your facial expression in the 2nd picture is a little frightening, I must admit that it was more aesthetically pleasing from the waist down.

I'm only thinking of Robyn's preference here of course.

The picture that my secret online obsession just posted however has left me reeling somewhat.