I Have A Surprise For You Guys...

Razer have you ever met any big time Vegas celebrities? Like that guy that was in Casino and that other guy that was in Casino?

I have only lived in Vegas for 3 years now. I moved here from San Diego where I met a lot more celebrities.
Razer have you ever met any big time Vegas celebrities? Like that guy that was in Casino and that other guy that was in Casino?

You talking about Nick Nolte?

Casper stopped posting here a few weeks ago and then all of a sudden a poster called Razor came along. Razor had an incredibly similar posting style to Casper and he denied that he was, or even knew, Casper. Razor even requested an IP check to prove that they were not the same person. It turned out that "they" posted from identical locations and then Razor admitted he was Casper's roommate. Rasper is merely an amalgamation of the two usernames by people who think that they are the same person.

I am in shock you are saying they have same IP, now I see why mine had to be checked. It is all creepy. Wow. Maybe they are roommates .... I dont know. I never ask who he lives with. I see now why all were paranoid about me.
I am leaving this site. There is no honesty.
MY yahoo IM is Alchemy_Creator Sometimes it is on daily and other times off for weeks. But Rogue, and the people he mentioned ( la,ca possible banksy) please say hi sometime if you have yahoo IM.

Many Blessings ~
No honesty? Who the hell are you to claim there is no honesty here?

People here keep it real which is the very reason Casper's crap doesn't fly.
No honesty? Who the hell are you to claim there is no honesty here?

People here keep it real which is the very reason Casper's crap doesn't fly.

You know what I mean..........Dont personalize.
blah, blah, blah, blah
Bye Casper's muse.

Bye Rasper. :wishfulthinking:
I can't wait fOr the 161 st posse to start posting! Do you think it will have one handle for the whole posse or individual handles fOr each member.

God I hope one guy is named uncle stinky...If sO I am gonna have to put out a very early nomination fOr him to be POTM.

Maybe even POTY..?:dunno:
I am in shock you are saying they have same IP, now I see why mine had to be checked. It is all creepy. Wow. Maybe they are roommates .... I dont know. I never ask who he lives with. I see now why all were paranoid about me.
I am leaving this site. There is no honesty.
MY yahoo IM is Alchemy_Creator Sometimes it is on daily and other times off for weeks. But Rogue, and the people he mentioned ( la,ca possible banksy) please say hi sometime if you have yahoo IM.

Many Blessings ~

Are you serious?
Wally...common....Muse has it all figured out in 11 posts.
Blitty, if by chance Muse isn't Casper you should check her out and see how rough her hands are.
Blitty, if by chance Muse isn't Casper you should check her out and see how rough her hands are.

Low blow wakkyballs.
Blitty, if by chance Muse isn't Casper you should check her out and see how rough her hands are.

Well done, Wally.