Hi Gamelive...

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Muse, we need more posters from the proud state of Texas! Keep posting and don't lose faith if you don't get many responses early on! Usually posters won't reply until the new ones reach 100 posts! Then you're a keeper!


he meant over at sbr...this way we know who you are and will know how to interact properly :yes:

Ray is sharp. The only reason I can think of why you wouldn't want to reveal your sbr identity, is either because you are a stiff or a points scammer. We welcome both here.
Welcome to GL Muse! Let me know if that shari91 bitch banned you. I've started a petition to try to get her fired that you may wish to sign as well.
Ray is sharp. The only reason I can think of why you wouldn't want to reveal your sbr identity, is either because you are a stiff or a points scammer. We welcome both here.

Welcome to GL Muse! Let me know if that shari91 bitch banned you. I've started a petition to try to get her fired that you may wish to sign as well.


I think cunt is the correct term here, pal.
Will respond later.
gonna watch the two big college fb games tonight muse, or baseball or all of them?
Where are you from Muse?
I like the band Muse very much.
Muse needs to meet Caspermuse

that would be aMUSE-ING meet up eh?


that was horrible...
I don't like these fuckers who introduce themselves as new posters but then don't post.
I think cougar bait scared him
Sorry about my brief absence from the forum. I'm virtually unknown here anyways so I'll assume GL didn't fall apart.

Life has been busy. I'm returning back to work after a two month hiatus thanks to my second major surgery in the last year. Also, just before my surgery, my brother and I decided it would be a good idea to remodel my bathroom. The demo portion went very well. We tore that bitch up but putting it back together has been a nightmare. This house was built in 1950 and has problems. Then my roof leaked and we had to poke holes in the ceiling to allow the water to drain or my ceiling would have collapsed. Then week 4 of the NFL happened. I was on the Bucs, phillies and colts.

I feel like I'm coming on too strong for a newbie. I really shouldn't have come on so strong with all my problems. It should have just been small talk. Did I learn nothing from courting?

Anyways, glad to be back. My wife and I flying to Denver the 22nd-25th. Anyone here from Denver? We'd love to meet up and have drinks or creme brulee.
We had a couple former members that live there. They are into couch surfing so if you and your wife sleeping on strangers couches look them up.

The wife of the former couple is kind of hot. Not Playboy hot just naturally brainy, artsy, witty kind of hot. The husband of the former couple has a HUGE brain.