Going To Meet Brock Landers

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Cougar Bait

I Come Correct
Jan 27, 2010
Wrigley Field on Friday, he bought me a ticket to Cubs/Phillies Sec 27 row 2, pretty much sitting in the batter's circle...

Let the bashing begin...go ahead Bread...you know you have been holding back
Have a good time Cougar. Do what you have to to get me a foul ball.
Coug's I'll likely never meet Brock so I will need you to do me a favor. Should Brock in real life be as arogant and narcissistic as he is online, punch him straight in the mouth and tell him compliments of Wal.

If he is actually a cool guy buy him a beer on me and send me the reciept.
Hope the night ends up with the both of you beating up on Chad Marshall, Collections Officer.

Godspeed gentlemen. And lots of beer.
VID is a certainty...i am going to Arlington Park afterwards for certain, last 4 races or so since they start at 3 on Fridays...working Cougar hard to join me...
make sure to send PI mike any personal info you can collect on the man.
Sounds like is going to be a blast. Two posting giants meet face to face! It will be epic!!!
Coug's I'll likely never meet Brock so I will need you to do me a favor. Should Brock in real life be as arogant and narcissistic as he is online, punch him straight in the mouth and tell him compliments of Wal.

If he is actually a cool guy buy him a beer on me and send me the reciept.

That would go over well on film LOL
Brock will Richkas and Butch be at Arlington?

That Butch killed someone.
Brock will Richkas and Butch be at Arlington?

That Butch killed someone.
was instructed, seriously, to not discuss Butch anymore without Richie bringing him up 1st...so no comment (highly unlikely) LOL
Have fun guys!!! And one of you has to promise to eat a hot dog for me. I haven't had an edible one in years.
Okay, Nina, I will try to get you a foul ball. Not sure how I will get it to you though since you live in Alabama. Oh yeah, I could always ship it. Giving up a gameball would be rough, we'll see.

As for a vid, I plan on doing one, per usual.

Beer will be involved but I will be driving myself home, so I gotta pace myself. Hard to do at Wrigley.

Wal, I doubt I will be punching brock as he bought the ticket. He'd have to turn out to be a real ass. My guess is you will be getting a beer receipt.

Matty and Fischy making me laugh as usual. Someone post a picture of PI Mike.

Paver, you back posting at SBR yet? Or still on hiatus?
Shari, I will give you a hot dog anytime. Seriously.

Brock I don't want to be killed at a racetrack. Let me know if B*tch will be there. See, now that I censored it it kinda looks like I wrote Bitch there, but I didn't.