Colin Hay....

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Mrs. X

seven of ten
Mar 30, 2010
...the lead singer from Men at Work is going to be playing a small show here at the Monte Carlo on Friday. I got in the elevator this morning, saw the ad and realized it was this Friday. I actually jumped up and down a little for real. LOVE that guy. His voice is amazing, and his acoustic stuff is great. This brew pub is a smallish pub(300 square feet) and cozy. I'm really geeked and think it's going to be a great show. Mr. X has a meeting to go to so it's just me, claiming my table early on, drinking vodka sodas and swooning over Colin not-that-cute-but-makes-up-for-it in-heart-and-talent Hay.

He's on the Garden State soundtrack as well which is amazing all the way through.

nice. I wish I could go see that with you.

ps: stop saying "geeked"
:yes: way out of line dorky
well, as Pally said in his masterpiece: you must follow your natural path.
Do it MrsX. Never really bought that many albums myself but do have their Business as Usual and Cargo albums! Hope this doesn't disturb you! :kiss:
He has purty eyes. Eye? Whatever.
I am soooooooooooooooOOOOO jealous! I love his acoustic stuff. He is one of my go-to myspace pages for music. The acoustic version of Overkill is really, really good.

My favorite is I Just Don't Think I'll Ever Get Over You. I think Muddy needs to learn it.
Robyn and MrsX, did you see his influences, THE KINKS right there at #2! I know talent when I hear it!
Maybe Colin just has a thing for Zach Braff?

Scrubs AND Garden State?

Z is pretty enough to be a woman I guess.