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If you had 11 out of 12 winners, most people here would understand that it's a small sample size and over the long haul your numbers would at best be around 55% on -110 level wagers. That's assuming you are a fantastic handicapper, and you've already made clear your stance on assumptions.

The fact that you don't consider this to be even a slightly elevated forum is perhaps the cause of your troubles on this board. You are assuming there are just as many easily manipulated and naive people here as there are on SBR and the like, and that's just not accurate. You can call that an assumption or an assertion or whatever you wish. I don't really give a shit, which is also a fitting reflection of the interest we apparently have in your website.

Jello, you ignorant slut. You absolutely kill me! Even you find fault with 11 out of 12 winners! Oh my, that is priceless and you don't even bet. Gee, not to much skepticism here is there?! Talk about making my point. Look, let me concede that this a slightly elevated forum (as I don't want to spoil your delusions, er illusions), it really doesn't matter. Even if a guy is a 60% capper, it would make even more sense for him to consider all educated angles. Furthermore, if you go to my site great. if you don't and bitch about it, even better because I find it amusing as it reinforces all the stereotypes about jaded gamblers which are by and large, accurate! In any other business, people would just ignore a link posted by another poster. But not in gamblingville, no way no how. People get all worked up and it is priceless really. You don't even gamble for gawd sakes and you're taking a side. Love it.
Unless this is a website devoted to statistical anomalies, only about 8% of the wagering population actually wins on a regular basis, as it is about money management as much as it is information and intelligent handicapping.

It's not nearly that high, and yes there a several here and you are not among them.
I don't gamble, but even I can pick winners. You don't impress me guy. Sorry.

If you really think 11 out of 12 would make you something special, then we don't need to continue this conversation. You just dismissed the idea of sample size so cavalierly as to make it clear you really don't even understand the concept.

Only a tout, or someone with a tout's mentality, would talk the way you do. I'm starting to believe that you don't understand what I mean by an "elevated forum" because you are not part of the elevated mass here.
And by my above comment, I'm not saying I think you are unintelligent by any means. I just think that you still believe in fairy tales, or you want us to at least.
(I also want to reiterate for the record that I have no qualms with people who use/enjoy alcohol and/or recreational drugs. If I enjoyed it I would still be doing it right along with you, because I don't see this as a moral issue at all.)

Judgmental prick.

Jello did you tell us about that hot sauce? Maybe Robyn/?? Man that is some good shit and in my fridge recentely.

It's like hot sauce du jour. I want to hjump it. And i want to hump you if you are the source of bringing that Asian lovely in my life. (No Kato)
Ok Robyn. It's been an hour. I'm not going to let you kill this thread. It will be me. I hate those tiny ketchup packets at fast food places...Couldn't they give you one the size of a salad dressing so you don't have to open 6 of them to get a decent amount of ketchup? Probably why I gave up fast food.

thank you!
And just as I make my case for this being an "elevated forum", of course look who wanders in...

I don't know if I told you guys about Sriracha or not, but it's definitely possible. I've been in love with it for a few years.
I don't gamble, but even I can pick winners. You don't impress me guy. Sorry.

If you really think 11 out of 12 would make you something special, then we don't need to continue this conversation. You just dismissed the idea of sample size so cavalierly as to make it clear you really don't even understand the concept.

Only a tout, or someone with a tout's mentality, would talk the way you do. I'm starting to believe that you don't understand what I mean by an "elevated forum" because you are not part of the elevated mass here.

In a battle of wits, you come woefully unarmed Jello.

1. I don't gamble, but even I can pick winners. - So can anyone as the chances are 50-50. it's picking winners consistently.

2. If you really think 11 out of 12 would make you something special, then we don't need to continue this conversation. You just dismissed the idea of sample size. - You're truly not a gambler. It's called a streak and if someone is on it, you ride it. Secondly, I arbitrarily used 11 of 12. I didn't feel the need to add the caveat that "and when he's not going that good, he's still pretty good."

3. You keep dwelling on this "elevated forum". That clearly shows you've missed the point. We're talking about links in forums and you want to continue to jump up and down about how this fourm is populated with better gamblers than all the rest. I'm sure you spend 95% of your time here and spread the other 5% spread out among the many others. And that's fine but don't continue to beat the drum for this elevated forum when you dont know who the players are, their records or anything else. You make yourself look foolish. Er, I guess that's not out of the norm for you.
You know what asshole, I never stooped to insulting you personally. You clearly don't get what I mean by "elevated", even though I've tried to explain it several times in the most polite way possible. What I'm saying is nobody here is dumb enough to fall for you bullshit.

Will you please just fuck off now?

Was that "witty" enough for you, you obnoxious screaming prick?
Jello just snapped. That was fun.

Swinson I like what you do. Keep going! :moped:
You know what asshole, I never stooped to insulting you personally. You clearly don't get what I mean by "elevated", even though I've tried to explain it several times in the most polite way possible. What I'm saying is nobody here is dumb enough to fall for you bullshit.

Will you please just fuck off now?

Was that "witty" enough for you, you obnoxious screaming prick?

Hmmmmmm, someone's a wee bit prickly. And now you've decided to cast asunder your last morsel of dignity by swearing at me? Oh my, how the mighty have fallen. And no, don't steer this away from your initial premise. You have stated, quite clearly in fact, that this forum is populated with more intelligent gamblers than any other forum. You have nothing to back this up but the little fantasy you've created about Gamelive. Nice forum, I get it but it's not inhabited by Batman, Superman and all the other superheroes (except Bread and Cougar Bait). You have contended, as nauseum, these are the sharpest players anywhere. Now, you realize the error and foolishness of such a statement and have now chosen to take the tact that they are too smart to click on my site, their gambling records notwithstanding. Jello, don't walk away mad...just do yourself a favor and..walk away.
You are assuming there are just as many easily manipulated and naive people here as there are on SBR and the like, and that's just not accurate. You can call that an assumption or an assertion or whatever you wish. I don't really give a shit, which is also a fitting reflection of the interest we apparently have in your website

SJ, you seem like a great guy and enjoy your writings but have to agree with Jello here! A guy over there offered me paid picks for free all the time and didn't want them. I know your site is free but people here like myself would appreciate your interchanging more without coming on so much with your site. Put out a thread with some picks and you will find me there all the time if your winning. :yes:

There was a guy over there CK who the majority of the posters liked (I was one) and then he announced he was going tout and it's like he had the plague after that! Didn't matter to me and more power to him but I wasn't going to follow him. Whatever you want to do is fine with me, see your laid back approach with it. But don't you feel a little funny that you resemble a tout but not getting paid? Or is there some kind of reward?

Guess I've never felt warm and fuzzy with sales people. But then you're not selling us anything? SJ, do what ever you want and I will continue plugging for you when possible. Swinging Johnson sure has alot of uses! :hattip:
Mr. Monkey...ahhhhhhhh....can you smell it people? The rarified air of a man who has thought out his opinion and artuiculated it in a thoughtful and cogent manner. Jello, are you lsitening? Monk, I kind of enjoy the tag because for those that it riles, it gives me a measure of amusement and allows me fodder to debate them (see Jello). You see Monk, I am not a stoopid man (I did that on purpose!). I know if I really, really really wanted people to go to my site I would have to low key it. Therefore, I guess you could conclude that having people rant about me linking is preferable to people visiting. It gives me an opportunity to stir the pot and debate in an open forum. I kind of like being the villain because the people, like you, that are intelligent enough to see throught he veneer, are the ones that will visit my site. The others wouldn't visit it even if I were on an 11 of 12 streak (as that wouldn't be a long enough streak according to Jello).
Let's all ride Screeching Johnson's streak. We're gonna be rich. :clap:
Matty call me. Seriously.
As soon as I roll out of bed Breadipoo. You fucked with my beauty sleep.
Bread...why do you and JJGold always do this. Why dont you call them?
Hmmmmmm, someone's a wee bit prickly. And now you've decided to cast asunder your last morsel of dignity by swearing at me? Oh my, how the mighty have fallen. And no, don't steer this away from your initial premise. You have stated, quite clearly in fact, that this forum is populated with more intelligent gamblers than any other forum. You have nothing to back this up but the little fantasy you've created about Gamelive. Nice forum, I get it but it's not inhabited by Batman, Superman and all the other superheroes (except Bread and Cougar Bait). You have contended, as nauseum, these are the sharpest players anywhere. Now, you realize the error and foolishness of such a statement and have now chosen to take the tact that they are too smart to click on my site, their gambling records notwithstanding. Jello, don't walk away mad...just do yourself a favor and..walk away.

I fucking swear all the fucking time. Again, you are not special to bring that out in me.

I'm not going to keep explaining what I meant by "elevated" to someone who is either an idiot, or intentionally obtuse. You're boring me on this point.

I would like to mention one other aspect of your attitude (pertaining to the bolded section above) that makes this all the more irritating to me and others (I would gather). The premise being that you DON'T think this is an elevated forum is crucial to this in fact. An extension of that premise would be that you believing this forum is full of people who NEED your help is a testament to your utter douchebaggery in and of itself. There are many levels of said douchebaggery involved in that notion.

One is the stated assumption that we could use what you have to offer - that we are less than you and in need of your special guidance. Fuck you to that.

The other more revealing facet is the inherent assertion that you ARE some kind of Superman or Batman, preternaturally blessed handicapper that must wear a bag on his head so as to keep the mystery (much like a superhero and his mask...or a clown) lest he reveal his true identity to the world.

And you say it is I who is living in some sort of fantasy. L. O. L.