Hooligans Sportsbook


I need a tittle
Jan 21, 2010
It's all change with the Oscars this year as there are 10 films up for the Best Picture award instead of the usual 5 nominations. This isn't a revolutionary idea, it was common in the early years to have up to 12 nominations, but it was an unusual move all the same. The official reason is that with more nominees, The Academy is able to recognize some quality films that might have been overlooked in the other categories. Personally I think someone paid a huge bribe to somehow get the dreadful The Blind Side in the mix.


And how the market has changed over the space of less than 2 months. Just before Christmas Bodog released their Best Picture odds, over a month away from when the official nominations were released, and Avatar was a +775 third favorite but the odds have fallen at the same rate as the increase in the film's box office receipts. Despite releasing lines for 26 films, they still failed to guess 2 of the 10 films that made The Academy's cut (those being The Blind Side and District 9). Fast forward to today, Avatar is the strong favorite for Best Movie and is priced at anything between a -116 and -300 favorite at the four sample books.


That's a huge difference for this market but prop bets like this - with a very high level of public bettors - are generally low limit and have a very high book edge. Even the normally competitive Pinnacle has over a 15% hold on this prop bet despite only having 3 alternatives - compare that to -105 lines with a hold less than 2.5%; even classic -110 lines are just a touch over a 4.5% hold but line shopping on this market between the two favorites and “the field” can reduce this to less than a 2% hold. The Hurt Locker is by far the better film against Avatar and it's the huge movement of money that has slashed the odds on the latter. Kathryn Bigelow should win Best Director and it might be that the top prizes are split between the former husband and wife. But if the books are willing people to bet Avatar at ridiculous odds and people are still biting, take The Hurt Locker but shop around for your price.

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I am ambivalent about Avatar being the Best Picture favorite. I really enjoyed it - and it clearly has some movie stuff that is above and beyond other movies - but it doesn't feel like a Best Picture.

I guess my doubts are because of the formulaic/cliched elements to the story. I feel like the main thing a Best Picture should have is some kind of insightful observation of the human condition - and character development is key. Avatar's characters are more like chess pieces than relatable characters.

But what it lacks in that sort of art, it makes up for in visual art. Big-time. All in all, I don't mind if it wins. There have been Best Pictures I object to much more.

I don't see myself betting this category.
Well that is an out-of-the-blue question. I don't remember having a discussion about that for, like, a year. Good memory though; you are right; Crash would be one of the Best Picture winners I object to.

I can summarize my negativity about Crash in one word: contrived.

Nothing felt real. Everything felt forced. We had this group of unnaturally intertwined characters, and every one of their lives revolved around the issue of race. There was nothing else in the world but race issues.

No doubt there were some legitimate points and observations brought up but I found the presentation so heavy-handed.

I could pick at a few other details; I thought some individual scenes took unnatural paths; more than once I was sitting there thing, "That character wouldn't do that." But it always came back to the same thing: forcing some point about racism.
I thought Crash was an excellent movie. I thought Avatar was OK, from a plot standpoint. It is a visual masterpiece, of course. I don't think it should win the Best Picture Oscar though.

Back to Bullock. She looks like she is actually getting some penetration in that shot. I am definitely intrigued.
Judging from the credits of that movie up there, it looks like it could possibly be Craig Schaeffer providing the deep dick lovins. You go girl!

I enjoyed Crash quite a bit. For me, it had about 5 spine-tingling moments. Sure, the odds of a day like that happening to the central characters is about zero, but I found the separate, yet intertwined storylines quite captivating.

Come on the invisible cloak scene

Don Cheadle's mother telling him his brother brought her groceries

Obviously Matt Dillon saving Thandie Newton in the wrecked car

Terrence Howard flipping out

Man I gotta watch that again soon.
This is some crazy Amazon sex. I think there might even be a strap-on implied during part of it.


Jello, I seen her being interviewed on a show just a few years ago where she was asked about that movie. She was cool and instead of deflecting it, she came out and said yea that was one that I really don't know what I was thinking! No acting going on there for sure! I first saw her in the futuristic movie with Sly Stallone and Wesley Snipes. She has cute, sexy look about her with a hot butt! I better stop typing, I don't think MrsMonkey is in the mood!:moped:
I'm taking Avatar, with District 9 as long shot. I'd be impressed if the Academy picked District 9. Avatar is visually stunning and somewhat inspiring, but a predictable Pocahontas. District 9 is gritty, and strangely unpredictable. Avatar was always a dream. District 9 gave the aliens a documentary type realism.