$179 million for a Picasso

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Not after being fisted.

I was worth a lot before being fisted as well.
Words cannot describe how much I love Dismaland and wish I could be there.

I bought art yesterday.


In fridge magnet form. Normally 2 for $5 but we got a stack of 6 for 10 bucks.

Wow, good for you guys. Remember these precious moments you're sharing together because they won't last forever.

Thanks for pouring your unconditional love all over my computer screen this morning, bacon.
This talk of magnets has got me thinking of the forces that govern the universe.

That's a helluva thing, the universe.
tramway :pope: nice. that could've been a hell of a painting if it wasn't a fridge magnet
It's also a painting (that I can't afford.)

Blackboards were wiped after use: they were meant for immediate communication, not for record. Even as they were being used, their messages were continuously revised, erased and renewed. But when Einstein came to Oxford in 1931, he was already an international celebrity. After one of his lectures a blackboard was preserved and has become a kind of relic. It is the most famous object in this Museum.
Art. It's all relative.
imagine the mexican cleaning lady wiping it clean one night, except in this case it would be the nigerian cleaning lady

a page out of bacon's sitcom script
A little spacetime humor stuck in there. Noice.

Art and science though. Where does one end and the other begin?

Babay's dabbling in the visual arts. This is his Red Period.


Whoa. At 1st I thought it was some impressionistic master piece. They yellow and red work well together
Fokken minions man.


I saw an albino minion last weekend. Ain't jokin' neither.