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Here and Now slipped for me in episode 2. A lot of the dialogue sounds very written. The whole thing doesn't feel as organic as I would like. It feels more like a writer with a list of issues he feels he has to touch on, and ticking off those boxes as he goes.

Also, what a terrible title.

I am somewhat fascinated by elements of the Gianni Versace thing. I'm amazed I didn't know that some of that stuff happened. Unfortunately the most recent episode was crap. Just a bunch of poorly structured filler. As with Here and Now it feels like the writer wants to touch on issues - in this case, the difficulties of being gay in America - stupid intolerance - gays in the military yada yada - which is a worthy issue in general . . . it just doesn't have anything to do with the Versace deal. It feels shoehorned in.

But I definitely want to see where it goes once it gets back to the story at hand.
Sounds like they are shows for people that like to complain on social media
I guess I like Three Billboards to win Best Picture. It is currently slightly behind in the betting odds to The Shape of Water.

Three Billboards is about something - which the Oscars like. It's about anger. That's a real thing in American society. Worth taking a look at.

The Shape of Water is a nice, throwback, plot-based tale. No particular message (except that humans get stupid about stuff).

Three Billboards wins IMO.

Yap, Three Billboards is now the betting favorite at +100 and I am adding it to my Sig Plays.
Here and Now just didn't work out for me. What a disappointment.

It's just all so written. Not an organic bone in its body.
Eine der heißesten Shows von 2016 ist zurück für eine zweite Saison.

Von Fans geliebt und von Kritikern gefeiert, "Atlanta" gefangen den Golden Globe 2017 für die beste Musical-oder Comedy-Serie und bester Schauspieler in einem Musical oder Komödie für seinen Star und Schöpfer, Donald Glover.
Also, hat Glover irgendwelche Unsicherheiten über einen möglichen zweiten Schritt?
"Ein bisschen, aber meistens, weil ich nur verwundbar bin", sagte Glover CNN auf dem roten Teppich von Atlanta für die Premiere der 2. Staffel, "nicht weil ich Angst davor habe, was passieren wird."
"Er hat gerade sein Herz geöffnet", titelte Co-Star Brian Tyree Henry, der Alfred "Paper Boi" Miles in der Serie spielt. "Viele Leute sind bereit, es einfach raus zu reißen."
Das hat Glover ein Lachen eingebracht, wahrscheinlich weil er weiß, dass er sich nur wenig Sorgen machen muss, um die Zuschauer zufrieden zu stellen.
Zusätzlich zu "Atlanta", wo er als Earnest "Earn" Marks, ein Princeton Dropout, der versucht, ein besseres Leben für sich und seine Familie zu machen, durch die Verwaltung seiner Cooper Paper Boi vielversprechende Rap-Karriere, Glover wurde vor kurzem Grammy-nominiert für Musik von seinem Alter Ego, Childish Gambino.
Er und sein Bruder Stephen, der Redakteur von "Atlanta", arbeiten auch gemeinsam an einer animierten "Deadpool" -Serie.
Dann spielt Glover natürlich Hauptrollen in zwei mit Spannung erwarteten Filmen - Disneys Live-Action-Adaption von "Der König der Löwen" und dem Han Solo Spinoff "Solo: Eine Star Wars Story".
Aber im Moment ist seine Aufmerksamkeit auf die neue Staffel seiner Show gerichtet, die etwas warten musste, seit Glover so beschäftigt war.
Mit den hektischen Episoden wie einer letzten Staffel, die einen schwarzen Justin Bieber enthielt, haben die Zuschauer von "Atlanta" mutig und skurril zu erwarten.
Glover nannte es sogar einmal "Twin Peaks mit Rappern".
Laut Produzent und Autor Stefani Robinson können die Zuschauer in Staffel 2 "ein bisschen mehr Verrücktheit" erwarten.
"Ich denke, wir haben den Ante in dieser Saison verbessert", sagte sie CNN. "Wir haben es auf eine 11 gestellt."
"Atlanta" kehrt um 10 Uhr zu FX zurück. am 1. März.
Red Sparrow is not getting a good reception at RT. I really don't like Jennifer Lawrence so this makes me happy.

Not just sports schadenfreude, also Movies/TV schadenfreude.

Niemand mag dich, Hitler. Dein Atem stinkt.
The wagering forces of the universe seem to be in agreement with my sigplays as consensus lines are now

McDormand -1667
Janney -833
Rockwell -909

(Three Billboards which I just added on Tuesday is still +100)
Season 2 of Atlanta kicks off on FX tonight

Damn that was good.

Season 1 was decent and respectable. I was not totally blown out of my chair but I wanted to keep going with it. Dudeguy is clearly a talented writer and charismatic screen presence.

But this new episode of the new season felt like a whole new level.

Guess I have to watch the Shape Of The Water thing. Three Billboards was decent but overrated.

Get Out is one of the worst films I’ve ever seen.
Oscar SigPlays graded

Frances McDormand, Best Actress -679. :greencheck:
Allison Janney, Best Supporting Actress -247. :greencheck:
Sam Rockwell, Best Supporting Actor - 255 :greencheck:
Three Billboards Outside of Ebbing Missouri, Best Picture +100 :redx:

3-1 +2 units
Guess I have to watch the Shape Of The Water thing. Three Billboards was decent but overrated.

I just want to watch it to see what the fish dick looks like.

Please report back with your findings, tronner.
‘The Sopranos’ Movie Prequel in the Works From David Chase

Kobe Bryant just won an Oscar. 😲

Just watched Dear Basketball that uses a farewell letter Kobe wrote and some guy came along and put animation to it and it won the Oscar for Animated Short.

It's okay I guess.
