Have you had snow yet?

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calm strike rating: off the charts
Power back on..wow. That's such a helpless feeling when you have no idea when it will be restored and just watching the thermostat dropping. %90 of our city was without power for 2 days last year after an ice storm. It was fucking horrible. Every day be thankful for electricity.

Any of you guys have one of those power generators for home use? If it were just me, nbd..I could just go to a hotel or something, but with mom it makes it much more difficult.
My dad used to have this Honda gas-powered generator, worked great.

Then he left my mom for a woman 10 years younger.
My dad used to have this Honda gas-powered generator, worked great.
Yeah I need to look into this. I keep playing the power outage odds and losing. Are they tough to set up? Cost? What do they do? Basically everything in the house would work in an outage?
Ya need the big ones to run everything. For the fridge, a couple lights, TV and a space heater, you want at least 3000W. I believe we had a 5000W.
64 degrees today (18 C). There was a warm rain last night. February. Weird.
Fok me. I went to dust off my bike yesterday, but I don't think I'll be able to ride for another month.
My dad used to have this Honda gas-powered generator, worked great.

Then he left my mom for a woman 10 years younger.

What happened to the generator?
Bastard took it. :mudcat:
Fok me. I went to dust off my bike yesterday, but I don't think I'll be able to ride for another month.

Hang in there.
just when Chicago made a small melting dent in the piles of snow on the ground and the piles of snow that have claimed a good 25% of the parking spaces here in the city.

More snow coming today 4-6 inches

The side streets off of Sheffield were a nightmare yesterday. I could only imagine how they are where you are Archie.
The side streets off of Sheffield were a nightmare yesterday. I could only imagine how they are where you are Archie.

yeah the ghetto doesn't get much in the way of plowing or salt

also, we had a brief "thaw"

wow we are going to have a major pothole problem all throughout chicago this year

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Ya need the big ones to run everything. For the fridge, a couple lights, TV and a space heater, you want at least 3000W. I believe we had a 5000W.
Oh, so the heat wouldn't necessarily work unless had a real spendy one it sounds like. Mainly I'm concerned with heat, tv and computer. I can keep most of the food cold in the garage/outside.
Fok me. I went to dust off my bike yesterday, but I don't think I'll be able to ride for another month.

Rode it today to work. 34F when I left but it warmed up to 60 now.

Will get warm in GTA soon.
Up to our eyeballs in it here again. We're going to need a good plowing today.
