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France bans online betting too. It sucks
I guess that's not bad considering the cost of living there. Average salary is about $10K lower in Quebec, in the city.

Not sure about Ontario - the GF's sister is a teacher. She makes shit money but she's way out in the boons, where you can buy a mansion for $200k.

I don't think the cost of living is much different here than it is in Ontario. Certain things are cheaper, but at the same time some things are more expensive.

Don't get me wrong, I think teachers are should be paid well, but they have it easy when it comes to the amount of hours they work as well as vacation, PTO etc.
Have a friend who is teaching out in Philly, being paid fuck all. She had to apply for food-stamps to sustain herself. Kinda shitty situation when you pay for a college degree but then barely get by in life.

That's why you don't go to college for degrees like creative writing!

(But the girl gets 2 weeks off in winter. Can't help but get jealous of that)
That's why you don't go to college for degrees like creative writing!

I did. Doing just fine.

You just need a plan and some awareness that your degree itself is not gonna OD KROW for you.
Tomato strikes again.

Potato does the same thing.

Tomato went from an all-world poster to very average like overnight.

Remember those +1.5 MLB poems? Shit was amazing. :bowdown:
I'm enjoying the slice of life posts from the veggies/fruits.
Sound like a lot of people making easy money doing mediocre shit :dunno:

Feel like I have to pull miraculous rabbits out of my ass just to make not very much :itsok:
I do an excellent job. For about 30 minutes a day. Most days. Not today.
Today a parent wrote a letter to Tomato demanding that her daughter's grade go up in the class.

If Tomato doesn't raise the grade, the ignorant woman states she'll go to the district office and get Tomato fired. "Oh, that's not a threat, that's a promise."

The daughter doesn't know what 8 + (-7) is and is in the 7th grade.

When you break Tomato's post down, it's all the PARENTS fault which causes chaos to trickle down! This might not be 1970 but absolute no DISCIPLINE taught to the kids by the parents! The parents always seem now-a-days to take their child's side! So the kid knows he/she can get away with almost everything! Good teachers are left with hands tied!

If my dad was told I did something wrong, couple smacks across the head! Then maybe if found out I didn't do it, "well that was for the next time." LOL now but not then! Or if in Tomato's case then maybe my mom would try to help me out with the difficulty I was having in learning my math!

Right now pay structure IMO is enough in NJ for sure! Good teachers might be slightly underpaid but bad teachers are way overpaid! Has to do partially with what I stated above! The PARENTS! So why should teachers beat their heads against the blackboard and buck the system! So let the kid advance without really learning what is required of them!

Plus once you get tenure in NJ like I stated before you have it made cause their no balance and checks on teachers to do their job! Do I think it the teachers fault, mostly not but if you flunk too many students the administrators then go to the teacher and ask "what's your problem here." Remember, those administrators are PARENTS also!
I did. Doing just fine.

You just need a plan and some awareness that your degree itself is not gonna OD KROW for you.

I apologise if I came across as condescending! But I would also assume the Canadian job market is a lot better than the US one. A plan certainly helps too.

She just had no other option than teaching, and now she's struggling to make ends meet.
But I would also assume the Canadian job market is a lot better than the US one.

Not really, about the same. (Not that such a broad statement is of any help to a specific individual with a specific skillset.)

My own GF mocks my background, even after I remind her that I make 70% more than her.

No respect for the liberal arts faggot.
I always thought teachers should be valued/get paid more etc. But now that I think back most teachers sucked. And the few good ones were good because they were nice and caring occasionally had something interesting to say. Don't remember admiring any for their superb teaching skills. :dunno: talking hs and younger.
Yeah, I'm not saying that current teachers should be paid more. I'm saying that the pay should be more so that teaching candidates would be better.

For the same reason you wouldn't wanna deal with crappy doctors, dentists, etc. (You still do.)
yeah I got that Matty. :up:
but people are cockroaches and so are their kids, maybe fuck em :dunno:
True. Big bags of suck.

Tomato excluded.
Have a friend who is teaching out in Philly, being paid fuck all. She had to apply for food-stamps to sustain herself. Kinda shitty situation when you pay for a college degree but then barely get by in life.

That's why you don't go to college for degrees like creative writing!

(But the girl gets 2 weeks off in winter. Can't help but get jealous of that)

I can get a teaching job anytime I want to but I'm over-qualified.
I think Tomato is wanting to be a quality teacher! Tomato, possibly with this girl quiz her casually and see if her parents belong to the NRA or own guns! I mean if the parent writes a note like that to you ...... then the kid probably is left unattended!

Probably out in the woods or wherever smoking and hanging with boys and .........

Girl: "that Mr Tomato is a bastard!"
Boy: "what's he doing to you?"
Girl: Lies out of her mouth!
2nd Boy: "that MFer!"
Girl: "you guys want to see something"
Excited Boys: nodding heads in unison!
Girl: "you know I always wanted to shoot one of my dad's guns."
1st Boy: "your dad has guns"
Girl: "Yes. God I hate Mr. Tomato!!"
1st Boy: "what a POS."
2nd Boy: "that bastard deserves to die!"
Girl: "I got to go home."
1st Boy: "you want to show us something?"
Girl: "sorry, I gotta go!"


Hopefully that's all?

PS And please no comments from the peanut gallery on how I ended up as an adult! Remember, MrsM and I balance each other out!