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Happy 81st Birthday Willie Mays

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Jan 28, 2010
The Mays vs other players in another thread made me want to do this! Was big time into baseball as young boy in the later 60's and this was the guy even though Giants weren't my team! May 6th, 1931 is a date forever in my brain probably from seeing on the back of his baseball cards!

Had these ones! The first I remember you could play some kind of game with them ...... I think?

willie mays baseball card homerun
willie mays baseball card

This one I probably have ....... yes I believe somewhere in the attic ........ 5, 6, 7 of them?

Say Hey to 81 Willie!!! :clap::clap::clap: :cheers:
Can anyone find a vid to one of the all-time catches ever made in baseball! At least that's what I recall! Not the famous 1951 WS catch but a play 1970 at Candlestick park!

Mays at full speed jump into the RC fence colliding with Bobby Bonds (Barry's dad) and made unreal catch! Saw it live on the NBC Game of the Week telecast! back then was only game more or less televised on TV! Even e-mailed SF Giants organization they said don't have rights to it and I should look it up on internet! Tried googling it and nothing! I need this bad Gamelive brethren!
From what little I've seen in person and what I've heard, Willie probably is bitter. But I don't think it's because of Jim Crow days.
My guess is that it has to do with having been paid little compared to players today, even though they have nowhere near his ability.
He also lost a couple of prime years to the Army and played in a horrible ballpark--Candlestick--with the wind almost always blowing in from left. He could have easily hit another 100 home runs if it were not for those things
I also suspect that as respected and loved as he is, he doesn't believe his greatness is fully recognized. San Francisco considered him a New York player and never fully embraced him when he was an active player. And toward the end of Mays' career, Joe DiMaggio was voted the greatest living player by baseball writers.
From what little I've seen in person and what I've heard, Willie probably is bitter. But I don't think it's because of Jim Crow days.
My guess is that it has to do with having been paid little compared to players today, even though they have nowhere near his ability.
He also lost a couple of prime years to the Army and played in a horrible ballpark--Candlestick--with the wind almost always blowing in from left. He could have easily hit another 100 home runs if it were not for those things
I also suspect that as respected and loved as he is, he doesn't believe his greatness is fully recognized. San Francisco considered him a New York player and never fully embraced him when he was an active player. And toward the end of Mays' career, Joe DiMaggio was voted the greatest living player by baseball writers.

+1 And Aaron played in the "Launching Pad"

What brought you to Gamelive? Any knowledge of how to get the vid of Willie's catch against the Reds in 1970?