Hooligans Sportsbook

Taking a break from GameLive, starting Sunday.

Vegas Dave

Not a Real GameLiver
Jan 28, 2010
Doubt I'll be missed TOO much considering I don't post enough to be considered a regular, but just wanted to let those of you that care know so you don't think I left because I was mad at anyone or any drama like that.

While I don't post super often, whenever I'm on my computer, I'm clicking in every 2-5 minutes or so. I've begun to realize that days feel very short, and so I started wondering where the hell all my time is going.

While an appropriate amount is going towards my work, the VAST majority of non-work, non-GF/friend time is spent on four sites; Facebook, Twitter, LetsGoKings, and here.

I need to cut back on FB and Twitter, but use those to network and do stuff with the website, etc. My two lovely message boards, though, I need to take a break from.

Probably just through football season, which has been kicking my ass work-wise. So I estimate a January-February return.

Anyway, this was way too many words. Just wanted to let you all know I'll miss ya and in all sincerity "It's not you, it's me."

I'm easy enough to find, shoot me an email anytime.

Warm Regards,
Vegas "Whiny Shitty Capper" Dave
Seems reasonable enough. Most of your rationale applies to me and there would be a lot of practical wisdom in me spending less time on the forum - but I just don't have that much sense. Oh well. I expect I'll be here when you return. See you down the road.
Seems reasonable enough. Most of your rationale applies to me and there would be a lot of practical wisdom in me spending less time on the forum - but I just don't have that much sense. Oh well. I expect I'll be here when you return. See you down the road.

My guess is that you have your life more in order than I do, though.

How you spend your downtime (one of my favorite spots is forumville) is up to you, doesn't have to be productive all the time. The problem becomes when downtime becomes all-the-time, and you are spending time you should be networking, creating, brainstorming, learning a new craft, etc. fucking around instead. Like me!

I hope you will still be here, your random thought-provoking threads are among my biggest time-killers. Foreskin one day, banana hanger the next. Fun always.

Your contributions will be missed here.

Thanks man! Appreciate you always checking in on the vids and everything.
Dave, that's amazingly selfish. The society we live in has become more of a "ME" world than ever before and you are becoming part of the flock. Shame on you Dave, GameLive doesn't care if you whine a bit, GameLive doesn't care if you produce winners, GameLive just wants your participation and you are telling us that is too much to give?

Seriously Dave, you HAVE to come back at some point otherwise Herman will be given credit for running you off.
Dave, that's amazingly selfish. The society we live in has become more of a "ME" world than ever before and you are becoming part of the flock. Shame on you Dave, GameLive doesn't care if you whine a bit, GameLive doesn't care if you produce winners, GameLive just wants your participation and you are telling us that is too much to give?

Seriously Dave, you HAVE to come back at some point otherwise Herman will be given credit for running you off.

Sorry buddy. You can post double for me, okay?

Herman will still visit my website every day. He'll keep you all up to date on my losing picks.
Dave, I've heard the "it's not you it's me" before pal. Letting us down easy doesn't make the pain sting any less. Whatever. Looking back, there were some warning signs but none of us here at GL wanted to believe it could be true.

Farewell lover.
Seems reasonable enough. Most of your rationale applies to me and there would be a lot of practical wisdom in me spending less time on the forum - but I just don't have that much sense. Oh well. I expect I'll be here when you return. See you down the road.

Not if you keep falling from your bike on train tracks.

See you around Davey.